G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope


Well-Known Member
its a photo comp. I just put a bunch up. But I am pretty sure you got a sweet cam. mine is only a 4 megapixel powershot
i have a sony cyber shot 7.1 but i need a better lenz to get pic's like natmoon. without good plants your not gonna get good pic's. your cam is awsome you get killer pic's and have killer plants.


Well-Known Member
sup bwinn...sorry i've been neglecting you.

everything looks damned good man.

damn i wish i had some of that armogeddon.... they sent me some mango madness....

who makes that red diesel? im sure that is not one of res' strains right? i got ahold of some alpha diesel.... im not going to fuck with them yet tho!


Well-Known Member
sup bwinn...sorry i've been neglecting you.

everything looks damned good man.

damn i wish i had some of that armogeddon.... they sent me some mango madness....

who makes that red diesel? im sure that is not one of res' strains right? i got ahold of some alpha diesel.... im not going to fuck with them yet tho!
whats up man? barneys farm makes the red deisel. im gonna order some more seeds soon. you have some good stains cant wate till you start growing. thanks for comming buy LoudBlunts.


Well-Known Member
i grow... im just paranoid about the pics.

good strains? got a lot more where that came from...lol. you aint even heard the best of the line up!

i've mainly been helping a friend of mine he does a lil indoor and outdoor....not necessarily on mines!!!!

im also taking advantage of my safe addy right now


Well-Known Member
brb i have to run to the store. thanks everyone for all your support and for the compliments. if im not back ill see you guys tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
well i can feel spring in the air even though we got about a half foot of snow last night? What the hell i also planted 170 veggie plugs last night, i just know spring will arrive soon:) I pulled five clones that looked like hell last night and put them in the hall to throw out today well this morning they look better and i think i need to raise up my light? I have no room for them and was happy to chuck them but now they look better.

how is bwinn, o yea and the babies this morning?


Well-Known Member
good morning kaya and matt. plants are doing good im gonna make some coffie then ill get the pic's up.


Well-Known Member
some new pic's. first 6 are my sative g13. next 4 pic's are my hollands hope. all the rest are my big g13. day 24 of flowering for the g13 day 13 for the hollands hope. these where taking before i watered



Well-Known Member
Hey bwinn, I just stumbled across this grow. Coming in to this pretty late, but those are some awesome plants you have going.
Keep up the good work bro
