G-13 Labs Pineapple Express Smoke Report w/ Pics


Active Member
Appearance 9/10: frosty plump fluffy, orange hairs light green...
Taste: 7.5/10 Kinda neutral, hint of sweetness little rough on the inhale dont pull to hard sht will surprise you!
High: 9/10 Long lasting relaxing, little bit of a head high but mainly relaxing... put me to sleep woke up few hrs later still buzzed..
Good Sht...



Well-Known Member
Curious about this one myself. Have one going now that is turning into a monster. Got it as a freebie. Vegged for 5 weeks and transplanted into a 10 gallon pot. Has been at 12/12 in the big ass pot for almost 4 weeks and I am only now starting to see flowering. The plant is very healthy. Backed off the Nitrogen and went to 10/10/10. This thing has got to be 4 ft tall from the soil now. Not really sure what to expect so anyone who knows please chime in! Will upload a pic and follow up. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Nice bathtub grow. Plant looks really good...but I would have guessed two weeks of 12/12 judging from those pics.


Well-Known Member
She was a little slow out of the gate but she really blew up when I put her in the bigger pot. Even though I switched her to 12/12 and flipped her nutes I think she just continued to veg until her roots filled the pot. So far I am very satisfied with her progress- as slow seeming as it may be. I really don't care how long she takes as long as she is healthy and PRODUCTIVE! No telling what would have happened if I left her in all light for a while after the transfer. Checked her this morning and there are bud sites everywhere. After reading all the smoke reports about PE I can't wait until she is ready.
for me they are growing at 2x the rate of the rest and are extremely bushy I might just go with several strains just from G-13 labs next time the PE is amazing to watch right now


damn Hazy that plant is looking nice! Hope the flowering goes good! let me know how many weeks it takes!
Great report and im so tempted to get these seeds now, is pineapple present at all in the taste/smell?


Well-Known Member
I have never bought a pack of these where I didn't get at least 3 or 4 awesome plants for moms. Best genes in the business right here.