Fuzz growing on colas ( **pics** )


Well-Known Member
got the grand daddy purp clones from a buddy who got them from Oaksterdam up north. Vegged in my aerogarden under a 250w hps until about a foot tall then threw them into my 4 x 4 tray under a 1000w with 4 other GDP and 4 Blackberrykush clones. Kush was done @ 8 weeks its already been chopped dried and pushed out.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone decided im just going to cut down EVERYTHING to be safe... would of liked to let it flower for another couple days the purple was just starting to show ill have some pics up later


Well-Known Member
ither that or u can run a dehumitifier and check the hum% every half hour or so till its right than wait a lil and so u can grow it out and if it startes 2 go back up just turn it back on


Well-Known Member
Reading this thread has gotten me a bit freaked out. I think I had some mold my last grow that appeared towards the end of the grow. Right now a dehumidifier is not an option due to power issues. I have been using that safer surfer spray lately. Is that going to be enough. The last grow did not have added co2 and I think the plants were a bit starved for air. This time I have extra Co2. Should I spray bleach or H2O2 around the walls of the grow room?