Funny scare tactics.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who don't know " scare tactics " is a show on scifi where they pull scary pranks on people.

Funniest part is when he sticks his head back around the corner at around 2:30.


Anybody know of any other funny ones?
I totally remember seeing that one lol.. I lol'd for hrs off of that shyte lol

LMAO @ "little monster man".. "are you alright lil man?"


I used to love that show. Theres a lot of good episodes lol
HAHAHAHHA I found a good one ( not the show, but alot of funny scares lol ) check it out..

LMAO @ :55 secs.. Dad gets pwned lolol.
LOL @ the cat @ :10 secs LOL
