Funny PM this morning

this is a PM i received yesterday:

Do you mind if I copy a couple pictures of yours from the thread? I won't have any captions, just the picture and a link to where you posted it. I would use like 20-30 pictures and post them over like a month maybe, along with a couple others, mixed in with my personal posts. Eventually I will post my grow, and start a grow thread also. It will increase your thread traffic so maybe more people will see your plants from riu, and I could benifit in traffic too by having a better blog for putting your pictures on it. So what do ya say?
i am still pretty high, surgery on tuesday and pain pills are working just fine TY, but is this person going to put my pics on his grow journal and pass them off as his/her own?


Well-Known Member
this is a PM i received yesterday:

Do you mind if I copy a couple pictures of yours from the thread? I won't have any captions, just the picture and a link to where you posted it. I would use like 20-30 pictures and post them over like a month maybe, along with a couple others, mixed in with my personal posts. Eventually I will post my grow, and start a grow thread also. It will increase your thread traffic so maybe more people will see your plants from riu, and I could benifit in traffic too by having a better blog for putting your pictures on it. So what do ya say?
i am still pretty high, surgery on tuesday and pain pills are working just fine TY, but is this person going to put my pics on his grow journal and pass them off as his/her own?
thats what he is going to do with or without your permission.. lol