funny pic

dos lunge

Active Member
Canadabis, i am sorry that you have seen so many disgusting internet pics that you cannot find disgust for that man who's anus is eating his own penis. disgusting disgusting disgusting. btw i wonder who was the sorry sap who had to take that picture. or maybe the guy took it himself so he would have one more weird thing to get off on.i thought about this too much. :spew::cry:


Well-Known Member
Wow you guys are weeeeaaaakk! From what all of your descriptions are i thought i was going to see some TERRRIBLE shit, but then i caved and looked, and wow. That is NOTHING compared to some shit i've seen. I literally opened it (while already shuddering) and the picture loaded and i looked at it like what the fuck, thats stupid. then i clicked the "x", and then i went back to look at it even just to FIND something that would gross me out. I'm not saying i like that, im just saying that i've seen far worse involving either penis' or anus'.
Congratulations! Do you want a cookie? :grin: