Funny looking little plant.


Whats happening folks? Just a quick question. I've got four plants and three of them seem to be normal, but one of them has little lantern looking things hanging off of the main stem and the top of the plant is purple. the other picture is what all the others look like. Its not a quality pic and if needed I'll do whatever to figure out whats going on. Any help is appreciated.



:weed:Yeah. I figured out what it was. One of the plants was male. I moved it probably 150 yards away with obstructions between it and the females. Will that be enough room, or do I need to just destroy it? Also, What do I need to do to my females to maximize the budding? They are less than a foot high and already starting to flower, and since I'm growing outside, I don't have control over the light. I have a 1000 watt HPS setup that will also run MH lamps, but I'm scared to use it. Too much power consumption. So what do I need to do?? Help a newbie out.:joint::joint::joint::eyesmoke:


Got a Sunsystems 1000W HPS/MH Ballast, Hood, Bulb, and wires for sale. You all know how much this shit costs, So if your interested, make me a reasonable offer. The picture is only to give you an idea of what I have. If your interested for real, I'll send you real pictures of it. Let me know something. I just don't have the need to use this kind of setup. If you do, Please let me know and we'll work something out. Until then, Happy Growing.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::rolleyes:



:leaf::leaf::leaf:Start over??? Are you crazy? You've got to be. You havent seen good pictures of my plants. They look good, just smaller than what I imagined they would be when they started to bud. I need real answers to the questions I'm asking, not stupid ones. If you have a bull shit comment, save it for someone else.:clap::clap::clap:



We might could work something out. I'll post the real pictures of it. That one came off the net. Let me roll one and I'll go take some pictures.


bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie This is it. I've got the socket and its wire but I have to uninstall it from it's present location. How does C.O.D. work? Let me know something. :joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
kill the males.They should start veg'n out soon.You can feed them,add some gardenlime to the mix.


Active Member
I experienced your problem myself, in that plants began flowering way early. I was told to let them grow and as season progresses they would revert back to veg. Also, if they don't revert, just harvest buds as they mature, and plant will continue to produce more buds as long as season permits. Keeping male can be a problem unless of course you want to acquire some seeds, otherwise there is very little you can do to prevent pollen from finding females. Wind will swirl and distribute pollen over as much as a square mile from site of male ( or so I have read ) , and once a female has acquired pollen to produce seeds, she has done her reproductive duty and will begin end of life cycle. In my own case, budding females showed no additional growth for about two weeks, and have now ceased bud production and reverted to veg just fine. This is interesting to me as tiny little female buds have ceased getting any bigger, while plants have begun vegging again. Interested to see what happens next. Good luck with your girls and I hope it turns out well for you.


:weed::joint: The plant in question was a male. Since I wasn't sure from the jump, I moved it away from the rest. It never had a chance to pollenate my females. I'm left with three plants and since this is my first grow, they look like shit. I'll post some pics of them. They all are small, but one is severely stunted. They have a good amount of trichomes on them, but they are not what they should be. I tried this year. Maby I'll do better next huh.:weed::joint:

