Funny how some are just catching on ....

TORONTO - Colorado did it. Oregon and Washington, too. Sarah Palin’s Alaska did it. Maine hasn’t done it yet, but its biggest city, Portland, did.

Even the District of Columbia did it, which may explain that goofy grin on Joe Biden’s face. Spain, Portugal, Holland and Uruguay did it, to one degree or another. Many other countries are doing it or thinking about doing it.

Hell, North Korea reportedly did it, though you’re out of luck if you get the munchies.

Bangladesh did it. At the risk of starting a stampede to Bangladesh, I read you can get a gram of decent local product for 15 cents. No wonder they call their river the Ganga.

This is so asinine. He's making an idiot of himself and treating the whole thing like some sort of stoner joke.
so if Harper gets back in we can move to Bangladesh for a couple of years then come back to Canada as a refugee then I would get three times more money than canada pension disability pays me hell they might even give me a 7/11 or at least a taxi. a refugee gets $2500 a month plus free benefits and another $500 per month for each kid. I busted my back for 40 years here and they give me $12,000 a year with three kids to support.
lol didn't know they paid refugees for having kids too.. i love the idea in this country that we pay you just cause you have a kid..
made some bad choices in life?.. here's some cash.
kept it in your pants/put a jimmy on?.. sorry nothing for you.

so absurd to me.
*not against helping those who need it.. just find it so messed up they're proposing we give them cash, just for having a kid.