Funny Chit!!


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Don't know why but I found this freaking HILARIOUS!! Thought I'd share!

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How many leaves are on a real marijuana plant?

i know a male has 5, but does a female have 7 or 9?

  • 1 year ago
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by starved1... Member since:March 17, 2006Total points:4388 (Level 4)

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Marijuana plants normally have 3- 9 leaves. It all depends.

The only thing that distinguishes a male plant from a female plant is where they grow their flowers.

The female flowers are in greenish leafy spikes a little less than 1 in (2.5 cm) long, borne on stem tips, and the male flowers are yellowish, tiny, and borne in axillary clusters.

The plant can also be bisexual having both male and female flowers on one plant. Some consider them to be sterile. Not much information is available out there I guess we need to ask a grower.