Funniest story evar


My friend had a plant growing and it had just reached 8 feet. We were waiting for it to flower and someone stole it. HAHAHAHAHA


Active Member
you let the plant get to be 8 feet tall before you even flowered it?? jesus, what kind of end-height were you hoping to achieve?


Active Member
Wow Nanner- most trolls wait a while before they make it obvious they are trolls. You think it is funny that your friend lost $5000- I've seen from your previous posts that you haven't started to grow yet, and don't know the difference between the different types of MJ. If you do end up growing, I hope every plant you touch ends up looking like the one in my avatar . . . and from your lack of knowledge on growing that doesn't seem like too much of a stretch. Go find another bridge to dwell under- grasscity forums might work for you.


It was sarcasm. It sucks so much. And yeah it's true that I've never grown before. It sucks because now I'm out an O that I would have only had to pay 100 for. But I can't even imagine nurturing a child until it turned into a beautiful mess of buds and then just having that disappear.