Fungus gnats?


Well-Known Member
If the peroxide doesn't help, I would soak them in Gnatol which will kill the eggs. You will have to do it weekly for 1 month to insure eradication. That is the life cycle if a fungus gnat, and it really works well. Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow, idk ive heard mixed things about H202 recently... but i love Mosquito dunks!!! Its Bti (bacteria) another user mentioned on the first or second page. Bacteria are made to eat the proteins in the gnats jaw and eggs so that they die... and its beneficial. Also heard that those pest strips can release toxic chemicals into the air, havent researched it but like i said after using mosquito dunks or any Bti containing product i wouldnt use anything else.

Used to have lots of gnats, then with more airflow/Bti i would only see maybe one lol.