Fungus gnats

For preventative, water from the bottom keep the top dry. Sticky traps to catch the flyers.
The best method that I have tried; top dress with a layer of garden pumice screened to 1/8. You can buy it on amazon. The little buggers can't crawl through it to get to your roots and lay eggs.
If I am not mistaken those are the ones that live in to top soil? If so I had that issue once and I put a 1/2" to an inch of sand and then some fine small pebble rocks on the surface (as was mentioned above), they cant push through the sand and die out. The ones that were out I added fly strips and as others have said I bottom watered for a couple weeks problem went away. With the small layer of pebbles on the sand you can water from top so long as the sand stays put I am pretty sure but probably best to just water from bottom.