fungus gnats in perlite


Well-Known Member
i have these fungus gnats this dufus gave me that just won't go away. i get them out of one plant and into another they go. luckily this is not in the production tents.

the odd thing is that i water with peroxide 15+ml/gallon and i grow in 100% perlite. these are reveg plants that only get water ever 4 or 5 days in hempy bucket. i moved 3 plants from that location inside, but i haven't noticed anything in the last week. they are isolated at the moment, but in a week it all gets mixed up. this shouldn't happen. they should all be dead by now. additionally everything has been neemed a few times.
I had been using peroxide at about a 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water ratio which is a hot mix. I still had a big problem and switched to the Microbe lift liquid. It's made a huge improvement and hopefully will get rid of most of them in the next few weeks. I get them coming in from the woods because I have a couple streams on the property and they love the moisture.
The last time I had fungus gnats, like an idiot, was because I brought a cactus into my sealed grow room so it wouldn't die from the cold. I used larvicide, neem oil, yellow strips, peroxide, any thing that wasn't poisonous and it did jack shit. I just waited until harvest, destroyed all my mothers and nuked the room. Waited 2 months to start back up when I was sure those fuckers were gone. I'm know there are people that have gotten rid of them, but it was a nightmare for me. Those bastards were mutants.