Fungus Gnats Help Asap

I just noticed a shitload of tiny white bugs in my soil that weren't there before im a little worried, first will they damage the buds ( im almost at harvest) so should i harvest right now? second how would i remove them from the soil for present and future reference I heard neem oil but people say not to put it in the soil, others are saying dawn dish soap but id assume that would hurt the buds??!??!!? please help
Didnt get a quick enough response but figured out other means anyone else who has this problem let your soil dry out first then use Gnatrol it will produce a natural toxin to kill the larvae.... im still wondering if i should just harvest tonight instead of waiting ????


Well-Known Member
those aren't fungus gnats my friend...those are by what you describe as little "white" gnats are really called "white flys." You can control them without use of pesticides by purchasing whitefly traps at a garden store. All it is is a strip of glue paper that you hang around the plants and the flies stick to it and die. I usually put them at the base of the plant on the growing media...that does the trick...hope this helps some...Good Luck...


Active Member
Sand on the soil doesn't necessarily kill them, but it inhibits their ability to get to the surface provided the sand is deep enough. The downside is sand holds water and makes watering a royal pain.


Well-Known Member

I bought a product I seen in high times called Go Gnats, its ok to keep gnats repelled being it's nothing but Cedar Oil and they don't like the smell.
But for soil I bought some stuff you sprinkle on top and then water/feed and then the larvae eat that and die off. I would say in a week I had it completely under control not even flyers anymore. Oh and I use yellow pest sticky pads too.

I was at 68 days into flowering i just decided to chop em as i figured the roots were already damaged i think im going to look for that mosquito bits for my next grow but ya thanks for the help!!!