Fungus Gnat Or Winged Root Aphid


Well-Known Member
Any fertilized soil "happy frog" or Any guano based additive will contain bug larvae or bugs. Problem solved. Coco

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Well-Known Member
Thanks Dirtyeye but right now im growing in soil and subs super soil recipe. Maybe down the line I'll try coco. Thanks for the recommendation though.


Well-Known Member
Whatever bug it is i just hit it with a dose of azamax. And ill do weekly switches between that and neem oil with a soil drench. Hopefully i won't have to start all over. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Its gnat season. How big is the body? It looks like a gnat but it's big. Maybe put a quarter beside it?

I top dress with perlite. Some people use DE. I keep dunks on hand but never had it get that bad.

Try to get some fans going, blow them around and make it a real pain to be a bug in your tent.


Well-Known Member
I cut the yellow sticky traps in half and set one on the top of each pot - then hang a few.
If I see that there's a ton of them getting caught, I'll do a drench.



Well-Known Member
Its gnat season. How big is the body? It looks like a gnat but it's big. Maybe put a quarter beside it?

I top dress with perlite. Some people use DE. I keep dunks on hand but never had it get that bad.

Try to get some fans going, blow them around and make it a real pain to be a bug in your tent.
Its gnat season. How big is the body? It looks like a gnat but it's big. Maybe put a quarter beside it?

I top dress with perlite. Some people use DE. I keep dunks on hand but never had it get that bad.

Try to get some fans going, blow them around and make it a real pain to be a bug in your tent.
Thanks swim. You're always a help. But no these things are little as hell. That photo was under a 30x magnifying glass. So that can show how small they are.


Well-Known Member
I cut the yellow sticky traps in half and set one on the top of each pot - then hang a few.
If I see that there's a ton of them getting caught, I'll do a drench.

Slump I'm already on it. Bought those today when I bought the azamax. Plus I have the fan pointed at the solo cups they're in. Ironically I've only seen one bug on it. Lol. The rest are dirt and perlite specs.