Fun With Jedi 41


Active Member
So this is my first grow, I got some fantastic looking clones from a friend, they happen to be Jedi 41, I also didn't read about the bc seeds bs statistics and price until now 4 weeks into flower, I know they grow well they were growing 3 inches a day at one point in veg and their 5 ft tall,couldnt get to stop growing still cant really, my only problem and I hope someone can help, is with the fact that I have had them in bloom for almost 4 weeks and they look like the have just really nice preflowers they arent gaining any girth, I just want to know if anyone has grown this strain and has any feedback, just worried after reading bout bcseeds bs. also i can post pics here in a few days if that will help, i have an orange peel from a guy who clones some fantastic cutties and it looks fantastic same time in flower, that doesnt help the worry

Thanx for any help:)
we flowered ours at 10 -12 inches and im days away from 4 weeks and they are between 5 - 6 feet tall . pinching the top doesnt help they stand right back up withing 4 days. last batch was the same way too 5 plants 1 1000 watt sodium 23 oz and i bet if i had another 1000 watt bulb it would have been better