Fun Facts


Well-Known Member
Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
And, the best for last.....Turtles can breathe through their butts.**


Well-Known Member
Precisely by what mechanism the sun's energy is converted to other forms (heat, light, etc) on earth seems irrelevant. It is obvious the sun provides some energy. However, I believe that much of the earth's "warmth" does come from within, and not from the sun's warming it. Gravity, baby. Causes a molton core, geothermal.
I agree, i would say the molten core of the earth the pressure and friction caused by gravity and probably even the rotation of the earth all create heat but the Sun is definatly a factor


Well-Known Member
McDonald’s is the world’s largest distributor of toys.
thats fuckin crazy!...I would of never guessed that one

here's a fun fact...I got a peice of hard candy wedged between my upper and lower back teeth today while somehow flipped
around in my mouth and my jaw was stuck all the way open, I had just finished a joint of some smelly headband, and of course a cop pulled out behind not only was he on my ass, but I couldn't even light a cig...and the whole jaw being stuck thing was already giving me a panic finally popped loose after about 3 LONG ass minutes...and I lived...and the cop turned...and that MM candy is good shit


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The Valley of Square Trees in Panama is the only place in the world where the trees grow with square trunks. Unknown if they have square roots


Well-Known Member
flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp,they also pee on there selves to stay warm.elephants are terrified of mice and will stampede away from them