"Fullmoon" from nirvana seeds

Common ingredients used to combat this nuisance fungus:

Potassium Bicarbonate, found in baking powder and antacids, will quickly destroy this fungus possibly by rapidly changing the ph of the plant leaf surface,

Neem oil is a natural fungicide. Not only an effective fungicide it also helps coat plant leaves when sprayed suffocating the fungus,

Hydrogen peroxide will cause oxydation of the fungus cell walls, killing it,

Sulfur has been shown to be effective against the fungi,

Milk seems to inhibit the fungus from growing - why? I am not sure...,

Reference: http://www.hydroponics-at-home.com/powdery-mildew.html
Cornmeal soaked in water attracts another kind of fungus that kills powdery mildew.
Thanks Yarndiyarns! That helps, it really does. I have lost most of the big fan leaves at this point due to the mildew and i think it has begun to affect the main colla. It's nice and dense and compact already so i hope that doesn't change.

Currently my lighting includes a 42w(2700 lumen) 5 26w(1650 lumen) and 1 13w(850) [down in the box for the lower growth] all in all the equals 11800 lumen within my box thats a little over 1 sq ft, sitting about 3" from the top of my baby.

Had to go cfl on it cuz its what a could otherwise get free from work or buy on the cheap.
Cool man, CFLs worked for me too. As I have now packed all my gear, I am helping a mate with his first grow, he is using those worker lamp stands that use Halide bulbs. They're more powerful but they generate alot of heat. I guess it's alright for those that don't require stealth.
Its turned on the bud sites. Been hitting it with neem every other day as recomended. Little to no possitive results to report yet. Pics taken just after applying the neem spray.


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Flustered! The dam mildew is kicking my ass. Considering plucking her regardless if she's not ready, growth has come to a complete halt due to it. Been using Neem every other day and the baking powder solution everyday and still nothin. Got maybe a half o worth on her now, i feel i'd be pushing my luck in following through any longer...

What do ya'll think????
I'm not sure what to say i must not be mean to grow my own bud. So much time, $ and effort, shitty bag seed, good bad seed even good genetic and i still can't get a plant to bud with anything smokable.

Here's what she looks like after the dam mildew fucked it all up. I even baught "seven" fungicide, used it lightly since she was so far into flower.

Still can't decide what to do, she's completely stunted now cuz the mildew keeps eating any green leaf in sight. Pluck her or wait??? Anyone with knowledge your advice would be very welcome


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