Full melt bubble hash


Well-Known Member
Just moved back to Denver and I'm looking for some full melt bubble hash anyone know where I can find some

stay dank


Well-Known Member
Pink house has a drop from Nikka T and Essential Extracts! They should have it now, or very soon!
Hey man check out river rocks full melt the south locstion usually has more to choose from could just be the times I went, but the full melt is deff awesome.
Let me know if you run across any somewhere else I've seen some fire melt at a place called natural mystic I think in the springs but that is too far from where I'm at.


Well-Known Member
Best I've had was from Trill in boulder, was called peanutbutter has and looked like the pics of Nikka Ts shit I've seen online and mention below.

Pink house has a drop from Nikka T and Essential Extracts! They should have it now, or very soon!
God damnit, where do you get this info brotha? Been dying to try his shit since I saw it in high times, that nice amber/orage/peanutbutter color mmmmmm.

Hey man check out river rocks full melt the south locstion usually has more to choose from could just be the times I went, but the full melt is deff awesome.
Their bubble always leaves much residue for me.

And on a side note, I was reading HT last night and they were talking about some crazy ass acetate(or somethingorother) extract skunkpharm makes, I'm considering flyig out there just so I can try it. lol.