Full LED grow room/aeroponic system. first attemp

What is the cost on the items from that site ? LEDS do not have a high lumen output but also are only what it needs, but how effective are they alone without CFLs or other backup sources?
What is the cost on the items from that site ? LEDS do not have a high lumen output but also are only what it needs, but how effective are they alone without CFLs or other backup sources?

floods: 21-25$, panels 30$, 90wt 420$, 300wt 1280$....negotiations on bulk....see "my led laboratory" thread for a post on led and lumens....I was sceptical, and scared to leave my plant under only the blue floods, so I added 1 cfl and it grew into a lovely bushy lady. when I pulled the floods out for my box, my plant began to "lie down" it took a total of 4 23wt cfl to get her to perk back up. Now she is under red led floods for bloom, I added the panels and 2 xtra cfl as a boost. Might be yanking the panels to go into my big box....(see my other grow journal)....I plan to purchase a 300 wt by the end of summer...anything with 1wt superbrite leds in the right spectrum will stand alone and grow.

These are only 5mm LEDs....new ones coming out all the time
Just pray he didnt get pinched...
(I doubt it he sounds like a smart guy)

Do you guys ever wonder when going through alot of promising grow journals (the ones where people actually take time into posting info), alot of them have abruptly stopped RIGHT BEFORE HARVEST and the user is never heard from???

I think the grow-bust cops in all cities love these websites because if you think about it the advancement in technology i.e. internet, global networking can make it so much easier for the POLICE to FUCK US if WE POST PICTURES & UPDATES from a COMPUTER that is in the SAME FUCKING PLACE as the GROW!!!
For example a everyone knows "The Strike Team" from The Shield , now imagine a local version of those FAGS are setup in your local "COP SHOP"... all they really need to start building cases is a computer, internet and our sacred blogs, forums, journals and pics. Unhidden I.P. addresses make it easier for them to find you locally.

I advise all R.I.U. members who are unable to grow seperate to their area of dwelling to ATLEAST use: ""web proxy" or "proxy servers" (Google them becuase they are always changing).

Just finished smoking a joint, hope this all makes sense tommorow.

Canniboid Alchemist
Real good call canniboid. Proxies are a great idea, and yes i do notice that a lot, but i think its also the paranoia

Personally I doubt cops are monotoring this site with the intent to bust small time growers. Most divisions are understaffed as it is, and those they get are usually less than qualified individuals, no offense. The few officers that are then given to the drug unit have their hands full searching for local crack dealers and the like. If you got a hot shot drug unit, they would probably be trying to stop the cocaine from coming in, and spend less time on the single guy growing two plants in his closet, regardless of the tech used.

Plus, you have to keep in mind that the only law enforcement agency that has 100% jurisdiction here is Interpol. This is a website that has people from all over the world on it. Even if you were thinking just in the states, then it would be the Fed's. It would be a waste of time for a police officer in Texas to track everyone down, only to find out that 0.5% of them lived in Texas, and probably none of them even in his area. All of this wasted time when they could have gone to the crack house down the street and raided it.

This is of course not saying that police arn't on here monotoring. I'm sure if you put up red flags as to your location, you might get busted. But that's true with everything. Cops are mainly interested in the dealers and the pushers. Less interested in the small time individual users, but if they get a tip they have to follow it all the same.

Be careful, but I think it's mainly paranoia.
sorry to take so long getting back but i was out of town for a week. ill take some pics tonight when the lights come on. my bud told me he broke one of my girls and had to get rid of it while i was gone. apparently he let one end of the lights drop and nailed it. not too happy but what can you do?
well, i misunderstood what my bud told me. i didnt lose a plant, just bent a couple leaves, hahaa. whew!
kinda nice being gone for a week and coming back to see them, kinda hard to judge your progress when youre looking at them every day.

heres the scoop

Room temp-20.3*C
Rez temp-20 *C
R.H. 58%
Watering cycle- missed a week, flushing rez today, curious to see how they like all the fresh food i give em tonight.
Light Cycle- 12/12
Nutes-DNF Formula A&B Bloom 80% w/Dr.Hornbys Big Bud 4ml/l- H2O2-3ml/l


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well, i misunderstood what my bud told me. i didnt lose a plant, just bent a couple leaves, hahaa. whew!
kinda nice being gone for a week and coming back to see them, kinda hard to judge your progress when youre looking at them every day.

heres the scoop

Room temp-20.3*C
Rez temp-20 *C
R.H. 58%
Watering cycle- missed a week, flushing rez today, curious to see how they like all the fresh food i give em tonight.
Light Cycle- 12/12
Nutes-DNF Formula A&B Bloom 80% w/Dr.Hornbys Big Bud 4ml/l- H2O2-3ml/l
Man i love the look of your setup.
I could sit in there and get wasted for sure hahahaaha:mrgreen:
Plants are looking great for leds,trics are showing nicely already as well.
This is shaping up to be one of the best led grow journals that i have read through so far.
Obviously they will never be massive or anything but the plants look nice and healthy and will provide you with a decent smoke at the end of it.
Great for stealth and small spaces,keep up the good work:blsmoke:
Wow those buds have really come out in the past week.
The leaves look really happy haha. And it looks so yummy with those colors


That is exactly what I wanted to see.. how many days into flowering?

I'm too tired to read right now.
