Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH


Well-Known Member
wow thats so funny that u say dec25 bcuz i planted my hindu cush on the same day last year. n if your gonna use advance nutrients then let me know of any questions or problem u might have bcuz advance nutes are my specialty. peace.

I'm sure your right. I have no actual experience, but have gotten the virtual experience for the last several years. I have spent alot of time on here dreaming and reading, and researching so that the day my magical beans go into the ground, I will be ready for anything that hits me. So Yesterday my magical beans have arrived!! and my closet is almost ready with the light, ventilation, carbon, constant good temps, and a complete line of food by advanced nutrients. I think I am finally ready, but I might wait till December 25 just to make it that more special. I will be growing dutch passion Purple #1 and Nirvana Wonder Woman. Can't Wait!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in hearing how your Dutch passion purple #1 turns out jbrain. i'm growing some of dutch passion blueberry myself in a separate grow. They just sprouted a day ago, but so far so good. really short germination time.


Well-Known Member
Well, growth wise they're doing really good. Both have taken off and the tall one is now about 14 inches high. Shorty hasn't show it's sex yet, but hopefully soon. I flushed the res yesterday and added some flowering nutes for the first time.

I was taking a closer took at the tall one today and I hope I'm not seeing what I think i might be seeing. Please tell me it's not boy parts...

Do I have a hermie???

Here's an aerial:



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that the other plant is showing to be a female too. It's barely noticeable but I think I see a beginning of a white hair coming out. I'll put up some pics in a bit.


Well-Known Member
So, here's the update. I now believe that both of the surviving plants are female. I hope everyone agrees looking at the pics.

Both plants just blew up. The tall one is now about 19" tall and was only about 10" when I started flowering a week and a half ago. That's about an inch/day growth rate. I'll take it!

The pics:

Both beauties together:

Canopy on the tall one:


Shortbus is a girl? What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
update us man. Is it a girl??
Yep! Definitely a girl. Glad both survivors are girls, at least I should have something to show for this grow yet!

The tall plant is growing like crazy, its now at about 22" tall..aiming to hit 2 feet within a day or 2. Bud sites are starting to develop and it's smelling really nice! I'll post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
Here are both girls 15 days into flower. The tall one has been growing like crazy, I have to keep raising the light. It's now standing at 25" and no signs of slowing down.

I flushed them today and added 1/2 strength Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom off the Fox Farms feeding schedule.

Both girls looking good:

Main kola of the tall girl developing nicely:

Here's the girl parts of Shortbus:



Well-Known Member
17 days into flower and the tall girl just hit 30" this morning (that's 5" of growth in the last 2 days).

The growth spurt is unbelievable! Hope she slows down soon, getting tired of having to raise the light every morning.


Well-Known Member
yeah, how is your grow coming along LimP? they take off yet?

my tall one is now at 33" and Shortbus is at about 17". i'll post some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
I posted a update on my journal, there getting there. Another 30-40 days for ya then till harvest ehh? Man I dont like this new look to the site pea green?? lol


Well-Known Member
My plant is out of control. It's now standing at 44" tall. That's too much growth (10" - 44" in 3 weeks)! Hope it's all done now and is going to settle down and produce some fat nugz for me. i'll post some pics soon.

Man I dont like this new look to the site pea green?? lol
Yeah man, I really like the older style better. This new setup looks like baby diarrhea...



Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the 2 girls flowering at week 3. All is looking good except for my tall girl won't stop growing. It's some kind of a mutant, went up 34" in 3 weeks. The other plant, Shortbus, is doing well at 22".

Here's a shot of both of them

Here's one towering over the other

This is the canopy of the tall girl

And finally Shortbus slowly catching up but looking good and healthy
