fukd myself.....again


Well-Known Member
You were having dreams about her cheating, which tells me this:

A) You don't trust her.
B) She might do certian things that messes with your head.
C) Deep down inside you might actually think she's cheating.

Either way that shit was bound to end. Fuck it, look around you; there are single good looking girls everywhere. It's not like you have to go on an expedition to find them.


I dont mean to offend but the problem is with you and how you feel about yourself, im only saying cause im similiar to you. I read a book that helped me see things a different way, not sure it will help you but look out for Osho and his concept of love! Love yourself and then something, im still stuck at the first part ;)

To xKuroiTaimax, if that is happening your being used, no nice way to say it, forget and hold back and when he does come calling.... you choose the outcome

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
You definitely have to extend some trust to your female. They don't mind hearing about dreams like that, but you have to let them know you don't really feel that way. If you really do feel that way, you need to get your head in check. Always extend your female the amount of trust they extend you.
oh no...iv always told her i knew she didnt do any of it....but for the past 12 hrs i had to see it...i know she never would and told her regularly how happy shed made me because of who she was and the fact that i COULD trust her...with ANYTHING


Well-Known Member
Send her a text or letter and tell her you're sorry for the record for being childish. It may not bring you back together but it tells her you know you did something wrong. And mb it'll impress her enough to give you another chance. Women don't break up with their boyfriends unless there's another man involved. I think it's not over yet.