Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
hey wimb m8 top of the day to ya :)) i started my scrog :)) going to be pretty cool let me tell you going to have my table set @ 5 feet 8 x 8 so 64 Sq feet of tops lol heres the start of them :)) got a ways to go in the mean time going to get the DWC set up heres a pic of the start of the scrog lol



New Member
hey wimb m8 thought i post you a little pic 18 hrs after i transplanted them lol amazing how they bounce back and grow lol lights are on 18/6 in MG organic soil under florescents for now :hump:



New Member
ppm still the same 750-800, little one drank 2ltrs and big ine 3ltrs
ph 5.8
buds coming along nicely, i think??? what ya reckon???



Active Member
Plants looking awesome wiimb and I can tell a difference in size for sure. Its amazing how fast they are producing. Your gonna be happy at harvest time pal. If they are so big now with a few more weeks to go imagine how fat those buds are gonna be when harvest time comes! Great Job buddy! Wiimb or Doc would it be too late to add the yeast CO2 bottles this late in flowering? I am on day 38 right now. Thanks


New Member
Hiya guys, i keep for getting how old my plants are so i updating for own personal use and for you guys to have a nosiey :-P
WW X BB - 7 weeks veg 4 weeks 5 days flowering!
Cuttings-11-04-11-2 weeks old
Panama 12/12 from seed-11-08-11-5 days veg 17 days flower.

WW X BB - 7 weeks veg 5 weeks 5 days flowering!
Cuttings-11-04-11- 3 weeks 6 days old
Panama 12/12 from seed-11-08-11-5 days veg - 18 days flower.
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