Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
if you taking cuttings from your mothers and your fimming your mothers you can try and get double headed cuttings like this.......



New Member
Hiya Guys!!!
Right i have decided to do 3 on the next grow an maybe not veg them so long as they get to god dam big(not that i complaining :lol:)
So i have made the 3RD bucket and i thought save it just sitting there use it, so i have set a PANAMA seed of and i going give it maybe a week veg and the flower it along side with my other 2 WW x BB!


New Member
Looking awesome man..
Waiting on a Lad getting a house for some cuttings, but it means the longer it takes the longer the veg and i really want them in flower now, but if i sell him 50 cuttings that he will be having at his house to root, then i will enxd up with a nice £200 notes! :)
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