Fucking Pissed =[


Well-Known Member
I will spend some $$.. It's just on what ? I guess Some higher wattage CFL's ??

I don't want to PH the water, I just want to let it be natural as if it was outdoors.



Active Member
you dont have to ph the water if you buy good water. and i would buy a small hps from home depot lowes or Ebay. 75-150 watts will do you good if you are just trying to get your feet wet and not drown. if you have questions just ask. im always down to help out.

natural water doesnt come from your tap, unless you have well water or catch rain you dont have natural water.


Well-Known Member
Ok ok, Thanks I got it.

But here's the thing is it like a growing HPS at home depot or is it a security light that I will have to modify ?



Well-Known Member
I will spend some $$.. It's just on what ? I guess Some higher wattage CFL's ??

I don't want to PH the water, I just want to let it be natural as if it was outdoors.


dude, do you really think the water out of the tap is natural? cant you taste the chlorine and fluoride and all the other shit the treat it with so that it doesn't poison people? dont you notice the difference in taste in tap water and bottled water? if you dont have a ph around 7 for a soil grow the plants will not grow properly... that is one of the first steps in getting a hermie plant, you want to keep the plant stress free. plus if the ph goes too high or too low you run the chance of just killing your plants. atleast let the water sit so the chemicals will evaporate, p.h. your water to the proper level and add a couple of lights and see what happens... if there is no change in a week or so... i don't mean to sound too harsh but come on... there are a crap load of how to's on this site and one of the first things they tell u is PH your water they say that for a reason


Active Member
security light, i always buy lights for growing but my buddy uses the security lights on the outside of his grow and they work really well. this will only cover 1-2 medium sized plants


Well-Known Member
Ok I've decided I will just get a 70w HPS since im planning on getting a little some from this.

How much $$ is a 70w from home depot or lowe's ?




Active Member
keep looking i was there and at home depot like 2 weeks ago and looked at them, forget what they sold for though. they have them. it would be better honestly to buy a 150 hps from a grow shop on ebay. it will work out the best for you.


Active Member
can you give me some info on where your growing. like the size of the room, do you have roommates/ family/ pets? any info would help me to help you.


Active Member
yeah man that light from home depot is a piece! i wouldnt pay $10 for that! it would be idea if you could send it to like your best friend/ brother sisters house that doesnt grow.

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
This thread is an absolute thrill ride. White knuckles all the way. New York Times Best Selling.


Well-Known Member
OK I will buy that... And from my understanding all I will have to do is cut up a 3 prong extension cord and wire 3 wires up to it ?

Can I plug this into a regular wall outlet like a 120 on the wall ?

Or will I need to install a new power outlet in the house ?


NOTE: Has anyone on here bought one of these because they seem kinda cheap $$20 ?

Sure this isn't a scam ?


Well-Known Member
It is not a scam and everyone that has bought one has been completely happy with it. All you need is a cord as you mentioned and it will plug into any 120 volt outlet in the house. I'll post pictures below, that should help with any other questions you have.


Well-Known Member
Here you go inside and out, Hopefully this will answer all your questions.
