Fucking Droopy Plants


Well-Known Member
Why are my plants so sad?!?!?! How Do I Stop The Droop?!?!?!?

I have 2 set-ups here is the info on them. . .

1) Propagator with clones cut three days ago in rockwool with clonex gel and 1/4 strength nutes in a 1 gallon resi underneath a slit tray to bubble up nutes along with a dome for RH. Here is a pic to clarify. . .

2) Mister/Fogger with CNS nutes about 1 tsp bloom nutes and 1 tsp micro in a 5 gallon home depot bucket with 3 gallons of RO pump, fogger, and air stone also I spray the tops every few hrs to make sure they are good on the RH. The stems are placed in net pots with neo-inserts. Here is a pic to clarify. . .

Why Are They All Drooping?

Thanks for all the help guys and girls. . .Happy Tokin'


Well-Known Member
I stay up all night thinkin about my gurls or what could be I guess dont kno what time it is where you are but the late nite (for me) reply eases my mind thanks again


Well-Known Member
"1/4 strength nutes in a..."

They wont need nutes for a while mate unless its like a clone rooting nutrient (like Canna Rhizotonic). If theyre only a few days old, just keep the moister up in the dome. I shut off all the air in mine for the first 3-4 days then gradually let more air in till theyve popped some roots. Its not so much that they dont like air, its CO2 I think, thats in air, that they dont like so much, while theyre trying to pop roots.


Well-Known Member
my clones always drop initially, until the root base is established i think they always look abit poorly on top, give it time they look real nice otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Yep same with mine. Takes about 7 days till they start popping roots at which I stop misting them. Other point is I use water with a pH of 6.0 in the jiffys or rockwell as well as in the spray mister. This seems to be the pH level roots like to grow in.

But yeah, no need to the micro or bloom nutrients yet mate.


Well-Known Member
"1/4 strength nutes in a..."

They wont need nutes for a while mate unless its like a clone rooting nutrient (like Canna Rhizotonic). If theyre only a few days old, just keep the moister up in the dome. I shut off all the air in mine for the first 3-4 days then gradually let more air in till theyve popped some roots. Its not so much that they dont like air, its CO2 I think, thats in air, that they dont like so much, while theyre trying to pop roots.
well ya the nutes I added are basically that a clone solution and they are not sitting in it, its actually below and good ideas on slowly intoducing air I might have to try that thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
my clones always drop initially, until the root base is established i think they always look abit poorly on top, give it time they look real nice otherwise.

well hopefully they will perk up in the next few days Ill let you all know. . .


Well-Known Member
Ok now instead of droop I got an infection the plant just started perkin up yesterday then checked tonight and half of them had brown all over them top leaves some bottom and most severe at the tip or where I trimmed the fans before I placed them in the rockwool could this be unsterile tools? can I fix it by cleanin up cutting off infected part and see if the rest of the plant bounces back?


Well-Known Member
from the pics it looks very wet in there.... maybe that has something to do with it, its supposed to be humid but it looks like water is dripping off those plants! maybe let a little more air in there...


i would say no nutes but if it is a cloning solution i will take it you can read and understand what they are meaning.also since they are the end tip of the branch which the clone was taken they are always droppy it may take a week before they look like they sre standing up.if you dont want them to droop i would take the clone further down the branch.always a stronger clone down the branch



Well-Known Member
Those clones hate their lives dude.

First thing, get the extra water out of those RW cubes, they need some air, bad. The RW cubes should never be dripping wet, just damp.

They don't need all that humidity, this box runs at about 30%.
High humidity is the biggest cause of disease and pestilence in a grow op. Mold, fungus and countless legions 6 legged creatures all love high humidity.

This clone wilted........

24 hrs later it should look like this................

Clones require no nutes and they may even slow them down, they gotta want/need to make roots.

There isn't much more info to go on.

Did you use a new razor blade to cut the stem? A sloppy cutting job with scissors buggers up important stuff inside the stem.

Are you using a heat mat?

What kind of temps are you running? I use 85F +-1

:peace: bro, I hope everything works out.




Well-Known Member
Thanks 12sqft, have you gotten those babies dried out yet?

They will love you for it :mrgreen:.

They will smile and reach for the light within a few hours of getting that moisture under control.

I never spray any of my plants with anything, ever.

Keep humidity down
RW just moist.
Temps 84-86F
heat mat about 80F

They will pop roots and you will be their hero.

:peace: bro.


Well-Known Member
What strain is that in the picture just curious but very well grown. . .

There are actually 2 strains in my op right now, both from Nirvana.

White Widow and BubbleGum. The single clone in the drooping pics is White Widow, it seems to take a few days longer than the BubbleGum to strike.

Keep a fan running on the seedlings as soon as a day or two after they are born and the stems will strengthen to keep them upright.

Have your clones shown any improvement?

I don't have any experience with the other cloning method that you are using. But I assume that if your pump is on a cycle like 5min on and 10 min off, that would solve the oxygen problem those cuttings are showing.

Let me know how your babies are doing 12sqft.:eyesmoke:

Kind treatment = Kind bud.


Well-Known Member
There are actually 2 strains in my op right now, both from Nirvana.

White Widow and BubbleGum. The single clone in the drooping pics is White Widow, it seems to take a few days longer than the BubbleGum to strike.

Keep a fan running on the seedlings as soon as a day or two after they are born and the stems will strengthen to keep them upright.

Have your clones shown any improvement?

I don't have any experience with the other cloning method that you are using. But I assume that if your pump is on a cycle like 5min on and 10 min off, that would solve the oxygen problem those cuttings are showing.

Let me know how your babies are doing 12sqft.:eyesmoke:

Kind treatment = Kind bud.

They all have died or been infected with that disease or infection that I was talking about earlier. . .
I checked them this moring and all of them were completely covered with this blochy brown that looks almost like dead plant matter but when you feel it, its almost slimy, real weird!

Sooo Im gonna sterilize everything and try again soon real soon like a week probably

But it still makes no sense tho it was like it jumped from one plant to the next cuz a few had it I took them out then a few more got it so I just separated them then the rest got it. . .

Well I kept one no brown must have super genes we will see how wonderwoman does but still I need a new found techniqe or something soon. . .

So the new batch will be cut with a sealed and sertilized scalpel that will "slice" the plant not infect it and pinch it like the scissors I got!

They were the nice ones too, with the small sharp tips but they seem to be making things harder I have cloned with my friends a few times but now at home with my scissors and all I can do is kill things. . .

Maybe just a simple razorblade might help me out Ill pick up a box of blades too while Im out today.

Well I better get this cloning thing down soon or my hopes or the ultimate perpetual harvest are going down the drain. . .

I have two strains now that are planted Akorn AKA Snowbud (TH Seeds) and Skywalker (Dj Short Blueberry x Dutch Passion Mazar) just waiting for germ I want mommies so I can clone! Can you re-teach me how please ha ha I need a walk thru. . .Back to the drawing book! I cant seem to get it with this strain and like I said before I feel like Im just cutting my other plant for no reason and ultimately taking away bud sites if I ever learn toi clone so I can flower from my lady, and for what??? dead clones!

Please help! HA HA I've gotta get it eventually!


Well-Known Member
Don't give up dude, you have a crapload of kickass genetics to smoke:mrgreen:

I picked a method that I wanted to learn and I am learning it myself. Look at these two threads by Al B Fuct https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/6592-get-harvest-every-2-weeks.html and https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html.

His is the method that I chose. It is really hard to read all of those threads because there is a lot of just crapola and repeat questions but it is worth every second that it takes to go through them.

That brown slimy substance is a dead give away that too much humidity and moisture were present causing rot.

Here is some insperation as I started with mothers in soil too.



Well-Known Member
My mothers have so many clones on them I just need to know how to roots them! not sure if you have seen what Im cloning from. . . It shouldnt be hard here is the mother plants I have 3 in hydro

that was a few days ago I swear they are even bigger than that now. . . more dense too. . .