fucking Dr. Phil

naked gardener

Active Member
Just saw dr. phil on leno--when asked about medical mj in cali--this idiot replied that he is against it bc of OXYCOTIN abuse in FLORIDA??? :shock:

I guess his logic is that if medical mj becomes truly legal, people will abuse oxycotin?? or people will 'abuse' mj--i wish leno would have called him on that crap... people who take too much oxycotin die--people who smoke too much ganja, literally pretty much do nothing...or they just do it a little slower and in a more roundabout kindof way :weed: , or they are perfectly functional and you wouldn't even know they're one toke over the line...

Sweet jesus, how sad--the amount of money this douche gets paid to talk to americans..

that irked me..just wanted to rant
Do people really still take that fucking clown seriously?

i'm sure some people do--there are a lot of very ill informed, misinformed people--(esp. inland) and this just feeds it--comparing medical mj to oxycotin abuse on Leno--

i know, he's such a moron--it really isn't even worth discussing--but it was irritating nevertheless
Dude, Dr Phil had some kid and his mom come on his show, the kid had been caught "trying" weed and Dr Phil advised he be sent to a rehab clinic(if I remember correct, was a few years back)... of course the guy is a fucktard..