Fucking clones keep dieing! Need urgent help.


Well-Known Member
No idea whats happening - these are about two week old clones:


Instead of rooting they are turning yellow and black and dieing. Everyday there are like 5 more dead clones - they just go limp. This is costing my buddy thousands of dollars and I have no idea what to tell him, I just want to fucking cry. He got so much money invested in shit, he can't just go out and drop $1,000 on ezcloners - his DWC cloner killed all the clones he put in it.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? Rockwool was PH balanced.

They are in Fox Farms Grow Big for hydro, could that be the problem? Is there some trick to getting the moisture right with the Grodan Cubes? Should the cubes be above or touching the water line?
well they should have been on more then grow big. the fox farm feeding schedule is 2teasp/g of grow big and big bloom for the first 2 weeks of vegging and your supposed to add natural fertilizers like bat guano, wom castings or voodoo juice which is actually a root collinizer my guess is the leaves got yellow started getting red stems and brow spots on the leaves and then just die off? if so your feedin schedule and nutes may be the problem, also if you keep rockwool really wet the water takes up space where the oxygen needs to be for the roots and your plant will basically suffocate


Well-Known Member
I don't think he is getting to that point, If i read right his cuttings are dying before they even root


Well-Known Member
and shit how many clones are you doing if your losing thousands of dollars? Have you every cloned before?


Well-Known Member
I can tell you how I do it but let me know if you would like too cause I'm really lazy and it will be alot of typing lol



Well-Known Member
Yeah, dieing before they root. SOME of the clones are rooting, but it's like %50-60.

The system he put together has like 650 plant sites, but the mother plants he has aren't producing enough clones as is. The system isn't even supposed to have mothers, it's supposed to take 1-2 clones from the 650 plants that are already in the system, it's just a bitch getting to that point.

Each spot not filled should be like $16-20 lost, plus it delays the fuck out of everything, which them creates more problems, like the good clones getting to big and needing a bunch of extra care.

When you do clones with rockwool / perlite, are you supposed to water them, or does the water just wick up to the rockwool? Peat moss is gonna be a last-ditch option, because they are going into hydro.


Well-Known Member
Try clipping the tips of the leaves off, it doesnt look like you have done that. I have heard that it redirects the plants energy to making roots instead of growing the leaves more.


Well-Known Member
Like said above, Do not let the rockwool sit in water. Mist only and that grow big seriously helps alot. We just cloned 8 clippings using the stuff and with no drooping or yellowing like our other clones were doing. :leaf: soak the rockwool in it.


Active Member
I use Rootech cloning gel. Stuff is wonderous! I second not leaving the cubes sit in water and also, I wouldn't use any nutes until you have roots coming out of the plug. But that's just my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
The picture you have of the dead cut looks like it was exposed to air. Make sure you're pressing the cuts into the HARDEST part of the rockwool as this will prevent air from entering the new cutting. This is also sort of a check point as well...if the cutting is too weak to go into the hardest part of a rockwool cube, it's not going to be a good clone. If you're doing a ton of cuts at once, drop them into a cup of water so they're not exposed to the air for too long. pH your rockwool @ 5.5 with any bloom formula that you have (I use sensi bloom A + B at 2ml per gallon) the lack of nitrogen will promote root growth, as will the increased phosphorus levels...you can also water your mothers with plain water a few days before cuttings to leach some of the nitrogen off. Make sure that the cubes aren't overly wet...but aren't too dry. Al B. Fuct's salad spinner idea is the best for this.

I've never seen rockwool stacked on perlite and I'm not quite sure what that's for. If you're not doming your cloning trays, mist 3-4 times a day. There's a point of moisture in the rockwool that you will have to fine tune through experience...but you should be able to go almost a week without having to water the cubes. When you do have to water the cubes...just use plain water until roots start showing up, then switch over to like 1/4 strength nutes. Never leave water sitting in the tray as it'll make the plants lazy and not go looking for it. 7-10 days for roots if your strain is able...2 weeks is normal.

Grow Safe

EDIT: Yeah I just looked again at the picture...unless you're taking like the top off of a brand new mother and the cutting is HUGE...NEVER use that pre-drilled hole in the rockwool!!! The thing is way too big and the cuts will just get air in them and die off in a day or so from EMBOLISM - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embolism


I dip my cuttings in vita grow cloning solution and put them in a 18 hole hydro bucket...7-10 days later i got 18 out of 18...only time i messed up was when the water got to warm...got to make sure your water stays nice n cold...i caught in time and put ice cubs in the bucket and only lost three of em....never used any nutes till they were planted for three days in a cup then started using...but ur doing a ton!! your mothers must be crazy huge!!! Good Luck!!


lcculus makes a good suggestion. It won't solve all your worries, but clipping the tips of the leaf off does help. I cut off maybe 30-40% percent of each leaf.


Well-Known Member
Sure why not it's hot as fuck outside anyways lol

So here is what you will need
-brand new single edged razors
-plastic see thru cups with holes in the bottom
-some kind of rooting solution
-rooting powder
-cup with plain water in it
-black sharpie per marker
-spray bottle

1. Lay out everything your gonna need so it's right in front of you with easy access
2. Get the plant you wanna clone ready by feeding a decent about of food before hand
3. Fill plastic cups with promix, leave about an inch at the top of the cup free
4. Now firmly pack down promix (but not to the point of crushing the cup)
5. Take sharpie marker and push it down in the middle of the soil until it goes 1 1/2-2 inches deep turning it as you push down and pull back out to keep your whole from filling back up with dirt
6. Now cut the branch of the part of the plant you wanna clone so that the cutting is 4-6 inches long
7. Next clip all bottom leaves and branches off so the bottom 3-4 inches is just stem
8. Lay your cutting on something flat and make a CLEAN cut. Cut about a 1/10 of an inch off just so you have a clean cut stem that isn't crushed
9. Now gently use your razor to lightly cut the very outter skin off the bottom inch of the stem. ( like you were cleaning a carrot)
10. Dip the stem in your water and then dip it into rooting powder so theres a pretty decent amount of powder on there.
11. Now put the stem into the hole in the promix and when you feel the stem hit the bottom of the hole push stem down just a tad more (for support)
12. Tap the sides of the cup so that the soil fills in the rest of the hole
13. Pack down promix (especially around stem), pack it down pretty firmly but not to the point of crushing the cup
14. Take your Cloning solution thats added to your water in your spray bottle and water gently until water is dripping out the bottom of the cup.
15. Put under florescent light and leave them be, check everyday and remember not to overwater.


You can cut the tips off the leaves if you choose too, I have tried it both ways and both ways work. I think cutting the ends off helps the cutting transpire water better.

I have a new strain of green house ww and this plant is amazing Roots in 4 days flat.

If I misspelled anything or shit sounds fucked up, it's cause I just smoked one and im really high trying to type this