fucking aphids


ive got 2 girls, they in the end of th8 week. today i discoverd aphids in one of the flowers on the flower itself and on the leafs around it. i had this prob. before but i dealed with it with neem oil. but now im few days from harvest.
whats the best way to deal with it?
by the way how long do u think they got?



Active Member
Id just ride it out and clean up for the next one. Pics arent the best but they look almost done. Maybe sticky traps so they stick to that and not the plant.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
put a lite stream of water and wash as many as possible off the plant. then dry with some air blowing over the plants. GL


Seeing as your plants are so close to being harvested, and considering that the aphids wont actually kill your buds. My advice would be to spray the aphids with a mixture of water and tobasco sauce. Sounds crazy but at the late stage of growth do you really want to be coating your buds in peroxides, toxic oils etc?

I had aphids on my chilli plants a few weeks back, the tobasco sauce soon cleared them up.