Fucking 2 plants stolen.


Active Member
truthfully kid i hope billy did take the plants
you was just using him to grow on his land cause u were to scared or your mum wouldnt let you do it.
you say u only talked to him when you had to
you also say if it was one of the other kids they would have told you....
im guessing you would have done to billy what you think he done to you...stole the plants.
your growing with these 3 people and dont trust any of them...they probably all stole the plants from you cause you were doing fuck all to help!

Ohh and now the plants are gone your talking about snitching on billy for growing weed even tho it was part yours?!?

what the fuck?

im gona just highlight all the bits in your post that make me think your a wanker...

to be honest with you, your right. I shouldnt have trusted the kid and yes i was using him to an extent. But I was kind of friends w/ the kid until he started accusing me. we used to smoke Ls all day and chill, but when he comes at me like that, forget about it. and how would you feel if you grow was stolen. BTW im not going to do anything to him, unless he comes at me.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong mate that was not intended to be a personal attack on yourself..

Its just i really cant stand people that are 2 faced or pretend to be someone friend because they have something they need or want..

i know exactly how i would feel if two plants were stolen from me, pissed the fuck of, but like you said if you done nothing towards these plants then it wouldn't really make any difference although saying that i wouldn't consider them my plants either..

tough cookie...
However you was stupid to start accusing him if you was not 100% sure
especially as you still have/had 2 plants growing on his property...


Active Member
iToke, I appreciate the advice, and i didnt think you were attacking me. as for me using the kid, its not like i was going to take all the bud, i was going to split them 50/50 with the kid. and i didnt really accuse him 100%, i actaully think it was this other kid, i only accused him cuz he came at me like i did it, and also cuz when they were stolen he was acting MAD sketchy, and like I said before, they were 2 premature plants that had 1/8 on each plant which i would rather go and buy a 1/4 than smoke that shit. I just wanted to see how they turned out.