Fuckin broad mites...good soil to buy bug free


Well-Known Member
Well ive been battleing em since i bought some fox farm from a garden store i used forbid 4f with some heavy ass doses this run n they are coming back strong ass shiti while im in flower im sure its the garden stores fault for not being clean because i use to buy fox farm on ebay without problems but my question is do u guys have a seller on ebay u buy soil from that u have gotten no major pests from? I dont mind easy bugs like fungus gnats just no mites please.
its always the soil eh? you never brought in a clone? a visitor? never visited a clone source? another garden?

friends give friends mites. I have no use for themo_O
its always the soil eh? you never brought in a clone? a visitor? never visited a clone source? another garden?

friends give friends mites. I have no use for themo_O
I only grow from seed and dont acquire clones i dont live in a legal state. I need help n advice not criticsm just because ot hasnt happen to u doesnt mean its impossible thanks for your helpful words though
Well ive been battleing em since i bought some fox farm from a garden store i used forbid 4f with some heavy ass doses this run n they are coming back strong ass shiti while im in flower im sure its the garden stores fault for not being clean because i use to buy fox farm on ebay without problems but my question is do u guys have a seller on ebay u buy soil from that u have gotten no major pests from? I dont mind easy bugs like fungus gnats just no mites please.
Can you show us what your referring to ass broad mites please. Would be very interesting to see.
Can you show us what your referring to ass broad mites please. Would be very interesting to see.
also many posts of these bugs on this forum and others with pictures i dont need to post because i kbow what i have n im looking for advice on clean soil to buy from a good ebay source
How do you know they're not russet mites?
To be honest i dont but i know broad mites and russets fall in the same category and are treated the same way under my microscope they look very clear so i believe they are broad mites and the damage im getting is the leaf curl with blackened rusty tips and some leafs taken a unhealthy shrinken look with yellow tip burn
First and only time I used fox farm I got mites bad, Like the worst iv ever had them.
Had been using just potting mix and perlite before that and small dosages of neem would keep them under control.

Made to switch to 100% perlite and never saw another bug in the 3 years I used purely perlite, Then made the switch to DWC and still havnt seen any.
Id never go back to soil.
First and only time I used fox farm I got mites bad, Like the worst iv ever had them.
Had been using just potting mix and perlite before that and small dosages of neem would keep them under control.

Made to switch to 100% perlite and never saw another bug in the 3 years I used purely perlite, Then made the switch to DWC and still havnt seen any.
Id never go back to soil.
Im thinking bout going all perlie how do u do it for nutrients and food for the plant and such to keep them happy?
First, be damn sure what pests you actually have. You don't sound at all certain, and that's where posting some pics of them or at least the infested plants could help. Nothing more frustrating than using the wrong pesticide and not solving your problem. Also, spraying once is a noob's error. You need to spray at least twice within the life cycle window of the bugs you're trying to get rid of, and if your pesticide doesn't have much persistence, three or more applications is prudent.

Second, this isn't the first time I've heard of Fox Farm soil products bringing pests to a grow. Again, it's important to be sure of your vector before jumping to conclusions.

Third, I'd suggest using a substrate better suited to high performance growing with added nutrients. Fox Farm has a reputation for being uneven in terms of its nutrition content; some see deficiencies while others get nutrient burn. If you're going to be adding nutrients anyway, it makes sense to use something that's designed for the approach.

Therefore, I suggest you look at Tupur Royal Gold substrate. It's not a complete soil but you don't need one. You'll need to use additional nutrients for it work at its best- but you're doing that anyway. Finally, I haven't heard of it bringing any unwanted hitchhikers to people's grows.

Hope these tips get you on your way, keep us posted!
First, be damn sure what pests you actually have. You don't sound at all certain, and that's where posting some pics of them or at least the infested plants could help. Nothing more frustrating than using the wrong pesticide and not solving your problem. Also, spraying once is a noob's error. You need to spray at least twice within the life cycle window of the bugs you're trying to get rid of, and if your pesticide doesn't have much persistence, three or more applications is prudent.

Second, this isn't the first time I've heard of Fox Farm soil products bringing pests to a grow. Again, it's important to be sure of your vector before jumping to conclusions.

Third, I'd suggest using a substrate better suited to high performance growing with added nutrients. Fox Farm has a reputation for being uneven in terms of its nutrition content; some see deficiencies while others get nutrient burn. If you're going to be adding nutrients anyway, it makes sense to use sathing that's designed for the approach.

Therefore, I suggest you look at Tupur Royal Gold substrate. It's not a complete soil but you don't need one. You'll need to use additional nutrients for it work at its best- but you're doing that anyway. Finally, I haven't heard of it bringing any unwanted hitchhikers to people's grows.

Hope these tips get you on your way, keep us posted!
Reason im not sure is because when i do research both names are included together i have not read one article or look at a picture without both broads and russets being named but they are both treated the same and im sure they are either or because i treated with forbid symptoms dissapeared and i started gettong healthy growth until now when recently the weather has gotten warmer and im in flower? But yeah im gonna stay away from it and look towards better soil or substitutions
I only grow from seed and dont acquire clones i dont live in a legal state. I need help n advice not criticsm just because ot hasnt happen to u doesnt mean its impossible thanks for your helpful words though

I certainly wasnt criticizing you. I'm pointing out facts. In all my years of growing in different soils I have never seen a pest bourne of any of them. Never seen a mite in them, or a gnat even. I read the forums for years and was terrified of this. I quarantined my soil and observed, nada, ever, didnt matter what kind of soil i used. everyone I ever heard of that had mites, ever, admitted to bringing in strangers, clones or otherwise is all. Just like you, I suspected grow store visitors, so I change my clothes before I go into my grow room, after cutting grass, washing dogs, chopping wood, or visiting the grow store

r im sure its the garden stores fault for not being clean .
I'd blame it on the guy you rubbed against in the store, he had mites
did you continue to visit the same place during flower?
I certainly wasnt criticizing you. I'm pointing out facts. In all my years of growing in different soils I have never seen a pest bourne of any of them. Never seen a mite in them, or a gnat even. I read the forums for years and was terrified of this. I quarantined my soil and observed, nada, ever, didnt matter what kind of soil i used. everyone I ever heard of that had mites, ever, admitted to bringing in strangers, clones or otherwise is all. Just like you, I suspected grow store visitors, so I change my clothes before I go into my grow room, after cutting grass, washing dogs, chopping wood, or visiting the grow store

I'd blame it on the guy you rubbed against in the store, he had mites
did you continue to visit the same place during flower?
Lol no im very cautious only one friend went with me to get the soil he went in and got it for me he doesnt grow im very cautious and we picked up through the back door the shop is legit but the back was like a garage where they stored soil u could see these guys just had bags laying around out back and on floor soil bags stacked all over the place easy for outdoor bugs to enter during the summer n multiply though at the time i didnt know of such bogus bugs or that bugs could easily penetrate soil from being on the floor and outside. U just have good luck but trust me there are plenty soil that come with bugs even if its just gnats u just must have a good source my old local schop was closed so i went to a new one n thats when i got mites. I only grow from seed n nobody else grows that i know also no one comes in my house. So trust me its not unknown for soil to be contaminated especially when buying it from stores thats been passed down n who knows how n where its been stored laying around etc etc
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