Fucket Bucket

Ok..so i bought a 16" bucket for my transplant, Yes i know I should double the size but Lowes sucks and only had these. Im transplanting out of a 5g bucket, so the 5g buckets are taller than the new 16s. One of my plants root base is above the top but well covered-looks like a mound, a mound above the surface...

i didnt take a pic but i made one on photoshop.....

The transplant was so smooth not a speck of dirt fell off, rootbound??? Maybe
but imagine a thinner/taller cylinder in a shorter/wider cylinder...


And its just about August and i dont want to upgrade size again... Yeah wish there was more than coprate Lowes in my area. Do you think i will be ok???


Well-Known Member
Whats the problem? You could just pull the root ball back out of the pot, fill the pot 3/4 with medium, set your rootball on top and backfill around the bottom of it. Just make sure to water through the base of your stalk. It doesn't matter how mush of the root ball is sticking out of the pot and by doing what I suggested you'll have a lot more room for new roots!!!
Well the root ball is above the rim....im just worried the roots will grow out of the sides. I forgot to say that the ball is in that mound.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it'll be okay even if you fill the container like I previously said and then stick the root ball on top of the medium. The roots will get air pruned, which is a good thing, if they try to grow out of the medium that is above the rim and then they will grow down into the container and start filling the container. Fill container 3/4 full of medium, place root ball on top of medium, backfill the top 1/4 of container around the root ball. Just make sure you water through the root ball and you'll be good to go.