fucked up


Active Member
so i have yet to try shrooms. I aint so interested in most tha other Hallucinagenics, mostly just interested in the natural things like weed nd shrooms. anyways one of my main weed people now a days had some shrooms that he sed his boy grew, sed he been tried em nd they were pretty good. so me nd tha wifey wntd sum (she hadnt tried them yt either). we had no ride so we decided to take the hour walk up there to get them. we left round 11 nd got up there at lik qtr till 12. i was textin him along the way nd last had tlkd 2 him 20mins b4 i got there, tried callin lik 5 b4 i got there. no answer. again nd again. nothing. so he fell asleep by tha time i got up there. after tha 2nd call i wudnt of taken them neways cawz i was gettin aggrivated nd i was tld 2 b ina good mood wen u tak em 2 get a good trip, bad mood bad trip. but ya, bullshit. idk jus felt id share my almost first try lol. next time wen i actually get them ill be sure 2 share tha real 1st experince wit every1:-).


He was probably tripin and felt a little parinoia and didn't want to deal and decided to hide that happens so don't hate him to much shrooms do that sometimes.


Active Member
don't hate him. jus a lil disapointed. he's always been a good weed dealer, gets good mids pretty much all tha time nd doesnt tax, doesnt short really nd if it is he'l 4sure giv it bck next time. jus disapointin tht he kinda dickd me ova, expecially since i was all excited lol. he told me tht he passed out.