Fucked up my foot. You ever do something this dumb?


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, I was just making sure lol. I didn't know if not liking to touch your feet was something that included in the shower or not.

Ahh ok. I thought one of your posts meant you didn't like to touch your foot either. I'm high so I'm probably thinking of another post. To me feet are like hands, not much difference. Sure feet get sweaty but so do hands. As long as they're clean and not gross, I have no issues with them. I wouldn't touch a strangers feet, or a mans feet but I've given pretty much all my ex's foot massages. Except one, her feet were gross. It was one of the reasons we broke up. She had that shit where the bottom of her feet were almost hard. Like a 1/4" thick layer of dead skin looking shit. Made me want to puke. Ugh I'm going to have nightmares about it tonight.
feet like those are what give feet a bad name. i may get sick over reading about that exs feet. my bf actually has kind of nice feet but id on't like touching them, they are clamy. he gives me foot rubs sometimes and i LOVE it.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend has tiny delicate feet and she used to do ballet+dancing too. She was suprised when my face went towards then, RAOR!! :D

But nobody can not enjoy a foot rub hehe


Well-Known Member
podiatrists are trying to get people foot aware so they don`t lock them up in trainers and end up with white feet full of hard skin.

And urca, this is what my left foot looks like, only a bit worse and i`m not going to hate what my foot is because i think others would.

View attachment 1714378

i been going swimming last 2 days so you can`t wear socks either. I used to be self concious but i`ve made peace with it now :)
now those are some ugly feet...lol...


Well-Known Member
lofl, i dont even understand what is going on in that pic but it's not cute. is that your big toe?

sorry, that looks painful


Well-Known Member
Its the toe before my pinky toe... I basically rubbed all the skin off of it. Hurts like hell
I'm so lost, even with your explanation. Can you make some annotations in MS paint or something LOL. I can't really tell what part of your foot that is.


Well-Known Member
I'm so lost, even with your explanation. Can you make some annotations in MS paint or something LOL. I can't really tell what part of your foot that is.
Look down at your foot. Do you see your pinky toe? Ok, when you see your pinky toe, on your left foot, go one toe to the right.
Its that toe. And, I was rubbing my foot on the carpet, and it removed all the skin