

Well-Known Member
Fuck a beat ill go acapella
Fuck a papa doc
Fuck a clock
Fuck a trailer
Fuck everybody
Fuck yall if u doubt me
Im a high black cat from the flats i say it proudly
And fuck this this battle i dont wanna win im outty
Rainman, tell the people somthin they dont know about me


Well-Known Member
fuck purple

fuck cfl's

fuck comcast

fuck winter cold

fuck me

your turn. :twisted::peace:
You left out fuck fog, fuck constant rain, fuck slow drivers, fuck people that get to the checkout and wait until they are told the total for their groceries then look at the cashier in amazement that they have to pay before they finally start to look for the checkbook.


Active Member
fuck being sick, just got over a cold.
fuck parking tickets i racked up a grand worth in under a week and diddnt even know it.
fuck mitt romeny
fuck barack obama
fucking vote for gary johnson.
fucking dont you fucking wish you would have fucking supported ron paul now, haha fuckers your fucked now!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me running
because its better that way.
why screw in bed
when i got bills to pay?
Fuck me twice
better yet make that double
I got a case of the flush
but it don't matter ill still fuck
but the toilets in trouble..

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I have an old rescued dog. Full of energy but went deaf and blind with cataracts. I want him to have a good life and checked into the cost of surgery to remove the cataracts, as it isn't a human right so should not be too expensive? Fuck me! Estimated $3500 for both eyes.
FUCK ME and poor dog. I couldn't afford that if I was the one who needed it.


Well-Known Member
I have an old rescued dog. Full of energy but went deaf and blind with cataracts. I want him to have a good life and checked into the cost of surgery to remove the cataracts, as it isn't a human right so should not be too expensive? Fuck me! Estimated $3500 for both eyes.
FUCK ME and poor dog. I couldn't afford that if I was the one who needed it.
Fuck Obama care for not helping out with your dog...
your dog needs to smoke a few bowls instead.
fuck, fuck


Well-Known Member
Made the biggest mistake of all, I gave a shit about someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about me.

I know that feeling,all you can do is grow and learn from it,bcuz people will take kindness for weakness,and walk all over you,pretend to care about you for personal gain,and when their through with you just throws you away,thats why my moto is "FUCK EM ALL" but the same thing that person did to you,I'm sure someone is will do to them.Don't even worry about that shit.


Well-Known Member
Made the biggest mistake of all, I gave a shit about someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about me.


Story of my life, and that of a lot of females. You actually having a heart shouldn't be considered a 'weakness' but a strength. Caring for someone doesn't automatically make you. Doormat. The problem lies with people taking it upon themselves to use you as a doormat, not you being a decent liberal human being. It hurts now but the absolute worst thing you could do is turn into 'one of those guys' (girls do it too!!) and hurt someone else like you've been hurt, otherwise the vicious circle just continues.

You are a really good person, don't ever let go of that, because one day you think you don't give a shit you will really hurt someone and it/'ll probably fuck you up more. Hang in there, Hun...

What happened anyway? Is this your bondage friend? I was under the impression you two weren't exclusive or anything. What did she do to you :(

OMG I just want to cuddle you so badly right now :'(


Well-Known Member
FUCK! When will we get some snow? Sure the country grinds to a halt but god knows the Britsh need to loosen the fuck up and get a sled out.