

Well-Known Member
fuck those who just don't get it.
fuck short attention spans.
fuck self centers.
fuck me.
fuck you.
fuck it.


Active Member
America.... FUCK YEAH!!!
Fuck the Euro costing so much. (thanks for the help, Greece!)
Fuck kW/hr cost
Fuck pain
Fuck nothing being on tv
Just plain 'ol fuck

Mrs. Worm

Active Member
Fuck having a sucky Mother's Day.
Fuck feeling inadequate.
Fuck how fucking cold it is today, when it was SO beautiful all week.
Fuck.. I'm hungry.


New Member
Fuck the ghetto
Fuck the gangbangers that park and slang outta your driveway
Fuck Canada wide warrents
And FUCK laying low


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well tahts fucked, i got a call last night from a friend in cali telling me my brother just cut off 4 of his fingers on a table saw.. now thats fucked


fuck using shitty $1 bags of "topsoil" for seed starting trays... lost half of my seedlings to that fucking mortar :(... thankfully there are plenty more seeds though :)