
who you talking to geo ???????

just letting off steam! Speaking to robin or whatever name he going by today. Says he Fae Annan not Ayr, makes things easier, its a wee place. He taking things too far. This was a good site when i joined, now thinking Fuck it, its no worth the stress.
fuck ppl who hate smokers
fuck my friends who always want a cut but dont have money
fuck the fact that i permanently smell like grass
Fuck sake! Here we Fucking go again. Fuck, its like i say. You know Fuck all about me. But am Fucking finding more and more about you. You know Fuck all about where i live, or my Fucking grow. Cheers for the neg rep. Much Fucking appreciated.
Fuck haters & ignorant people
Fuck bills and debt!!
Fuck running out of weed
Fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!

Ok. that felt good. lol :D