How did that fucking work out for you?FUCK me running .. so this chick i know is a lesbian.. fine by me.. but tonight out of no where she comes to me and says i know im gay but i have had a crush on you for so long and i bet i can give u the best bj you have ever had .. my jaw dropped i was fuckin speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk why but this was fucking funny to me.pretty fuckin colors.... wsh what is your fixation upon transgendered ppl
WHAT THE FUCK is a troll-mod????
2 different accountsspeaking from an informed point of view.... there is NO FUCKING WAY.... we've got mods, we've got trolls, but not one in the same![]()
well then inform me please of what the fuck is spidey talking about? I have no clue to what the fuck is going on . I am taking his words and applying them.
I'm giving it a good 60% chance... it's either entirely true or truly false...i dunno... just his little fucked theory i suppose![]()
Correct.There Was A Troll In The Tasteful Nudity Thread That Made Some Remarks That Were Strikingly Similar To A Mods Trademark Phrases.
"you have nothing to contribute"... or some shit like that???
You never know when a troll who is suspected to be a certain mod on a different account will return...guess we will see.. huh? fuck aint seen him since but still you never fuckin know
I wonder if the conspiracy includes W.Hip and DD as some type of diversion from the real shit that's going on... Wow what a mind trip making a government out of RIU and causing enormous conspiracies.Then, The person who got fucking banned will come back in, with major major fucking help from former co-members with the help of sympathetic and more inclined to suspect higher members, who will altogether get the mods to suspect foul fucking play and the guilty party will instead get the fucking ban.
Fuck Conspiracies.