

Well-Known Member
fuck threads that ask how much ill yield off this seedling or when i should harvest

fuck people who call their good weed piff, dro, or chrons

fuck any gorgeous woman you meet

fuck fuck fuck, thats what this is all about


Fuck My Boss!
Fuck His lazy ass Son In law!
Fuck the DMV and their High ass Fees!
Fuck the D.A!
Fuck the PIGS!
Fuck the ATF!
Fuck F.L.I.R!
Fuck her... ( Cuz I just did )
and Fuck this Im rolling the fatest Blunt rt now!:leaf:

Whos Rolln with me?


Well-Known Member
fuck life
fuck cops
fuck work
fuck money
fuck friends
fuck cell phones
fuck sniches
fuck probation
fuck community service
fuck my p.o
fuck the judge
fuck the d.a
fuck the d.e.a
fuck the prosecutors
and fuck every one who gots a problem with me


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Awww.....you couldn't.I like grown men.
If I got a yeast infection, I must have gotten it from that fungus factory you're trying to grow on your underage upper lip when you rooted around for the peanuts in my shit.:bigjoint:
fuck nasty bitches like stoney that has horrible hygiene and walks around with a yeast infection cause your skank ass dont wanna take a shower

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Fuck you, too, my dear.I figured you'd enjoy those negative points...at least you finally have something to show for yourself,despite being the product of several generations of incest.:bigjoint:
fuck u stony and thanks for the negative points bitch