
Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck my job.
fuck 9am meetings.
fuck being broke half way through the month after not having blown anything on niceties.

thank fuck good things are free. like fucking :razz:
thank fuck it's friday.


Well-Known Member
(posted in the wrong thread, winning~)

fuck root canals
fuck traffic
fuck having the shits while being stuck in traffic



Well-Known Member
Fuck people getting things of my Grams when they arent even blood.
Fuck people that get rewarded for their mistakes
Fuck the hateful street preachers with their megaphones harrassing people.
Fuck mental illness and addiction.
Fuck feeling lonely
Fuck this stressful evening


Well-Known Member
Fuckin' finally!!!! It's fuckin' Friday, FUCK YEAH!!!
:joint: :blsmoke:
Fuckin' high as fuck y'all

Fuckin' SH motha fuckin 420 y'all

*dramatic drop of the microphone, and walks out*


bud bootlegger
fuck this fucking god damned snow, and while we're at it, fuck winter.. and fuck global warming, i fucking wish it'd get warm up in this piece, fuck i'm fucking cold.. and more fucking snow called for fucking tomorrow, fuck..


Well-Known Member
Fuck rude drivers. LEARN THE RULES OF THE ROAD PEOPLE. You don't just smile and shrug at a 4 way stop….and FUCK up the 4 way stop for everyone.