FUCK YEAH SON!!!!!! Lol im so pumped


Well-Known Member
shit its not like im going out and buying an ounce at a time! i rarely buy above 40 dollars worth of weed, and that can last me a week and a half.
btw, seriously dude, pay your taxes. that just isnt right

When I was your age, $40.00 would get me two oz's And I'd still have $10.00!!! God, suddenly I feel SO old!


Well-Known Member
you'd save more money if you bought in ounces. Hell, make friends and sell it, you'll break even, close to it, or make money.

Really if you're going to buy weed you should buy a good QP and smoke it over a few months. Limit your self to a gram a day.
fuck that i smoke a gram before i leave the door in the morning, just get an apartment, some grow equip, and dont talk to anybody and be a total hermit, like me

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
as a grown man and a citizen of this country, you should pay your taxes. no excuses. its bullshit if you benefit from the system but never pay into it
It is unavoidable to benefit from the system. Was I asked if I wanted to? I would rather not. But it IS unavoidable. So I will take it for all its got as revenge. :fire:


Well-Known Member
a qp over a couple months? dude I smoke 1.5 g's to an eighth almost every day. Do you guys have like elf bowls? I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
It is unavoidable to benefit from the system. Was I asked if I wanted to? I would rather not. But it IS unavoidable. So I will take it for all its got as revenge. :fire:
i think you're full of shit on this one. seriously, grow up and pay your taxes. the end. my dad paid taxes out of his ass, never complained. same with my mom. its called being a responsible citizen.


New Member
a qp over a couple months? dude I smoke 1.5 g's to an eighth almost every day. Do you guys have like elf bowls? I don't get it.
I dunno I've only ever smoked one hit weed or I wouldn't buy it. 2 hits and I'd be high enough for 2 hours about


Well-Known Member
a qp over a couple months? dude I smoke 1.5 g's to an eighth almost every day. Do you guys have like elf bowls? I don't get it.
its not elf bowls, i just break that shit up very cleanly, and pack a bowl until i get high. however, when im by myself i dont get too tore up, just a good high, or if i have no where to go i take my time smoking. when around people or if i want to go somewhere, i smoke more and alot faster, and go through weed more quickly.


Well-Known Member
one hit weed? This is a growers forum, we aren't talking about a qp of mid's here. I wouldn't ever buy more than a qtr of the same stuff, because you build a tolerance to every strain. I by the time you're finishing the bag, you're ready for a new high...


Well-Known Member
OH urca I completely get it. You're one of those little bitch pot heads, that only pretends like they like it and smoke it from time to time..

My life is weed, and its absolute medicine for my clusterfuck of a mind. I need it, I smoke in the morning, at lunch, at lunch again, a blunt at two pm, again before dinner, and atleast two or three bong packs and a few bowls before I call it a night.

Then again, you are like 16, right?



Well-Known Member
OH urca I completely get it. You're one of those little bitch pot heads, that only pretends like they like it and smoke it from time to time..

My life is weed, and its absolute medicine for my clusterfuck of a mind. I need it, I smoke in the morning, at lunch, at lunch again, a blunt at two pm, again before dinner, and atleast two or three bong packs and a few bowls before I call it a night.

Then again, you are like 16, right?

no sweetie i am not an adult who needs weed to get through the day.... just because i dont smoke 24/7 or have a super high tolerance doesnt mean im not a real weed smoker, it just means im not dependant on it. it should enhance your life not be your life. ;)


Well-Known Member
I dunno I've only ever smoked one hit weed or I wouldn't buy it. 2 hits and I'd be high enough for 2 hours about
One - two hits maximum? He must mean one one gram = 1 hit, In that case you are a good stoner.

Just messing around with ya, but damn dude only 2 hits? That's crazy.


Well-Known Member
Fucking orca! I'm going to laugh when I see your post about how you fucked up and spent all your financial aid on clothes, weed, and food and not have money for books and stuff asking what should I do?
dont forget hookers man :)