Fuck Tilray

My spouse couldn't believe that you could be fired from buying your meds. What a fuckin backwards system. Why can't patients fire tweed ffs? Or any of the other LP's that just aren't quite up to snuff yet...oh wait isn't it all of them that are shipping? Keep funnelling the info to Conroy.
I don't onto, I thought I was quite nice in my delivery. And, unfortunately I know of a few people that have been fired by both P.N and Tilray. P.N cancelled my contract after I had a private conversation with the V.P of marketing over the phone so no one would have been privy to what was said there and it's not like I bashed them on their page and the Tilray page had a few posts of people saying they were given the boot after complaining as well. However I found out that patients can still post in the reviews section on existing reviews so that's what i'be been doing for now.
They're coming to Git ya !!! Eeeeek !!!
My spouse couldn't believe that you could be fired from buying your meds. What a fuckin backwards system. Why can't patients fire tweed ffs? Or any of the other LP's that just aren't quite up to snuff yet...oh wait isn't it all of them that are shipping? Keep funnelling the info to Conroy.
tweed customers can fire tweed, changing LP's is so time consuming, but just glad I never went with tweed my first LP.
But that's the main problem is the time it takes to change, they make it is slow and hoop jumpy, when it's the same fucking form for all LP's. You should be able to change LP's within a week... ordering by the 5-7 day. Then you would see mass sign ups to other LP's..... the inherent problem is there are not enough LP's do that or they do accept them and that fucks the rest of the people ordering from that LP. It's broken from the get go hasn't changed on our end at all.... except getting worse not better.
They need to centralize the database and go from there from scratch
But if they got rid of all those hoops you need to jump through to "unregister" them as your LP how are they going to keep you around out of frustration and giving up on trying?
But if they got rid of all those hoops you need to jump through to "unregister" them as your LP how are they going to keep you around out of frustration and giving up on trying?
wtf ya talking about ... unregister? fuck that you don't need to un nothing.... just sign up a new LP, keep the old one it will expire anyways..... not like your getting a return of money when ya quit using an LP
wtf ya talking about ... unregister? fuck that you don't need to un nothing.... just sign up a new LP, keep the old one it will expire anyways

Depends on your doctor. Some won't do multiple medical documents and some won't issue one to a new L.P unless they see proof on cancellation. That's how they make their money.
if this is a pot doc, like not yer family doc..... you need to drop that ripoff artist now, get a new doc
Yeah, easier said than done. In 10 years haven't been able to find a doc in Edmonton willing to do it. Plenty would like to but fear the repercussions.
Yeah, easier said than done. In 10 years haven't been able to find a doc in Edmonton willing to do it. Plenty would like to but fear the repercussions.

You won't find one here. I went through 10+ years of the same thing myself, with a visible disability and numerous conditions that cannabis has been proven not only effective but should be the first line of treatment for. Not a single one would sign any papers, but they'd all say "keep doing what you're doing if it works".
tweed customers can fire tweed, changing LP's is so time consuming, but just glad I never went with tweed my first LP.
But that's the main problem is the time it takes to change, they make it is slow and hoop jumpy, when it's the same fucking form for all LP's. You should be able to change LP's within a week... ordering by the 5-7 day. Then you would see mass sign ups to other LP's..... the inherent problem is there are not enough LP's do that or they do accept them and that fucks the rest of the people ordering from that LP. It's broken from the get go hasn't changed on our end at all.... except getting worse not better.
They need to centralize the database and go from there from scratch
All good reason to not join these weasels and go to cc's