Fuck Tilray

Well, it looks like some Tilray clients are still able to post on old posts on the page...they just banned me and I can assume others from doing so. They also removed any comments I had such as asking what they would do in the event a crop failed testing or why the guy working in their flower room was not wearing a hair net. But they left all the comments from others calling them names, using foul language and so on. I don't know if they can even do that seeing as how I did not violate their terms of service nor did I violate Facebook's. Does anyone know if that's a violation of freedom of speech?
Does anyone know if that's a violation of freedom of speech?

Nope, it's not - if it's their Facebook page, their website, or whatever, if it belongs to them - then they have the right to decide who is able to participate on their page and leave comments etc.

Now if they try to stop you from posting on your own Facebook page or on an open public site like this, that would be a violation. But remember, Canada's laws are not the same as the US and we don't have the same unrestricted right to dump all over anyone just cause we feel like it.

We are also stricter about libel and slander, so some discretion is sometimes required.
Well, judging from what a few former clients put up on their Facebook page before their posts were erased, it sounds like Tilray is probably going to cancel my contract with them. Others have said that after making some complaints, they were banned from the page then they were given the boot by Tilray. The really dumb part is I never took things as far as a lot of people, no name calling, foul language etc, I just asked questions they couldn't answer truthfully without looking bad I guess. So, I just put in what will probably be my last order with them to get me by until I can find my fourth L.P to sign up with. I can't believe that they are allowed to do business this way.
Ya that's one of those fuckey rules with mmpr. So if you hurt their feelings they don't have to sell to you. It's just like at shoppers you know when you don't like the pharmacist and they tell you they won't fill your script anymore. Phhht...what a crock of shit. Sick people not being allowed access to medicine because the review you gave wasn't positive.
all lp have the right to cancel you as a patient at any time!
if you are being rude or mouthy why should they keep you? not like your 100 bucks a year is helping them lol your loss, keep shit in private and they might deal with you better.
all lp have the right to cancel you as a patient at any time!
if you are being rude or mouthy why should they keep you? not like your 100 bucks a year is helping them lol your loss, keep shit in private and they might deal with you better.
yes don't say nothing in public, the reason they put the fucking facebook page up was to have communication with their customers two way.... if they wanted one way they would just use the website. yet to kick ppl because they said bad stuff... wtf did they think they would get ???? all good reviews????

if everything that's wrong with this system is kept in back channels and all private ....... no one would realize their being fucked as a group not just individually

dumb post rnr
I just put in what will probably be my last order with them to get me by until I can find my fourth L.P to sign up with. I can't believe that they are allowed to do business this way.

I cannot believe that you still gave them your money after making a "Fuck Tilray" thread! You are still getting medicated the Tilray way! Good luck on your next LP hunt! My wife is on the waiting list for Organigram until mid September...try giving them a call! She was eligible for compassionate pricing which is nice to see in a pharmaceutical business!
Yeah just preparing for a long while without an L.P. least amount of time I have gone without legal access to meds while changing L.Ps has been 3 or 4 weeks. For me it's all about being legal right now. And as long as I have a medical document, L.P packaging and one of those cards I should be safe. Whether or not what's inside that packaging is from them doesn't matter to me but I destroyed all the bags from my last order from Tilray because they're fucking useless and your herbs dry out super fast, not thinking that I might be fired by them. If they do, it will be the second time an L.P has terminated the contract because I spoke out about their practices and asked questions.
Yeah just preparing for a long while without an L.P. least amount of time I have gone without legal access to meds while changing L.Ps has been 3 or 4 weeks. For me it's all about being legal right now. And as long as I have a medical document, L.P packaging and one of those cards I should be safe. Whether or not what's inside that packaging is from them doesn't matter to me but I destroyed all the bags from my last order from Tilray because they're fucking useless and your herbs dry out super fast, not thinking that I might be fired by them. If they do, it will be the second time an L.P has terminated the contract because I spoke out about their practices and asked questions.
maybe it's your delivery?
I have not heard of anyone else but you to get denied access like that

Go Public then
I'm glad tilrays getting the rap they deserve the truth will come out in the end,
Bunch of shysters, I guess no one remembers tilray came out here long time ago claiming they grew their own bud that was actually the "mmar"
Two wheeler bud,; workers driving home scared that they will be followed home about the deal where tilray shorted the big boys by 20 pounds on a buy.
Word is its very dry at the compassion clubs, guess Phil loucas and Tanya bought all he excess from them too...
I don't onto, I thought I was quite nice in my delivery. And, unfortunately I know of a few people that have been fired by both P.N and Tilray. P.N cancelled my contract after I had a private conversation with the V.P of marketing over the phone so no one would have been privy to what was said there and it's not like I bashed them on their page and the Tilray page had a few posts of people saying they were given the boot after complaining as well. However I found out that patients can still post in the reviews section on existing reviews so that's what i'be been doing for now.
I don't onto, I thought I was quite nice in my delivery. And, unfortunately I know of a few people that have been fired by both P.N and Tilray. P.N cancelled my contract after I had a private conversation with the V.P of marketing over the phone so no one would have been privy to what was said there and it's not like I bashed them on their page and the Tilray page had a few posts of people saying they were given the boot after complaining as well. However I found out that patients can still post in the reviews section on existing reviews so that's what i'be been doing for now.

Well post your complaints on my site and I'll forward each one to them and ask them to respond. See if they will take the first step.