• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fuck the Police I got away


Well-Known Member
cops will do stuff like that to see how your driving, play it cool and they dont do anything, get nervous and slip up and they pull you over for erratic driving. the worst possible thing to do is freak out and run away from them. you got lucky this time that you were where you were like you said and managed to get away. anyway, glad to hear you got away. although i'd still be a bit nervous myself. do you park your car where people can see it ever? cops are trained to try to remember details like what model of car and color and stuff like that, so it might be a good idea to not drive that car for a few weeks.
Actually, I don't know where the OP is at, but in texas they instituted a system where the cops can look up wether or not a car's insured just by running the plates. Insurance companies have a shitload of money and people in the right places. Their at least as corrupt as the cops. Lay low, man, seriously, lay low. Get that basic insurance, because they are going to probably be pulling you over soon. They won't be able to claim your the same guy because they lost site of you, but then they could lie their asses off to and get away with it if you don't have a good lawyer, and those aren't cheap. So watch your ass. Best of luck, and congrats for getting away.


New Member
im on my way to get a quarter of some orange kush and my guy calls me back says he only has some middies left so im like fuck it. and i turn around. im like 4 or 5 blocks away from my house and this cop passes me in the other lane and instantly pulls a u turn so im like FUCK becus i don't have insurance and shit. so i start driving faster and hes like half a block behind me and i get to the stop sign a block away from my house which was lucky as fuck that it happened at the location. i take off my from the stop sign and i see him stopping. luckly the road is a "s" shaped road uphill so i turn the first bend and petal to the floor doing like 70 on this crazy road and turned on my street booking it as quick as could. turn down the street my house is on. its the corner house so i pulled in the drive way turned the lights off. and booked it in my yard. the cop then flys down the street that my corner house is off of. shit was crazy i could see him looking everywhere since im the corner house. then i saw 2 more coppers come jus patroling i guess. after about 15 mins they left. my guess is they're camping the front because the street only has 1 way out.
me my buddy and his gf at the time out ran a cop on a dark highway in a 79 Torino once...THAT was scary cause I aint that great of a driver, esp then, and it was like drivin a freakin boat at 100mph...Great story man...Screw them stupid bastards for chasing you anyway...are you a violent criminal?


Well-Known Member
to be fair if he had been a violent criminal either fresh off the crime or one they had been looking for in connection to crimes and a cop did nothing and that person did something to someone else because the cop decided not to do anything(serial killers especially seem to have it happen a few times before they finally get caught) people would be screaming up and down at how he could of prevented it if he had done his job and investigated more thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
Some of the cop car's have that computer in them that read's your plate,sticker's ..etc and flashes when something is wrong,like no insuranc switch plate's.No hidding from them now..oh it take's a picture to.Best way to stay hidden after an out run is to crush or sell the car to someone you dont like. sorry to bring the bad new's but they will get you.I played that game and it cost me lots of money on lawyer's and fine's.Now my ride has dark windows and is new with everything in place. For the nay sayer's on the tinted window's I have not had a problem.Nice new ride and not all pimped out like your trying to hide something and you will never get stoped.


Well-Known Member
its kinda like a bully victim, sees new bullies, recgnizes them immediately and starts giving off signs the bullies look for, all the victims attention is on the bully but tries everything to hide it.

its the same with cops, they look for victim signs,hunched shoulders, hiding behind hoods, scared people.
stoners are to cops like nerds to jocks.

cops dont bother other bullies (gangs, dangerous people) unless they have to and then they dont take any chances.
stoners are just fun for cops. get to harass people all day long with no consequences, talk big, strut around, pretend to be big boys, stuff like that.

lol, thats the bad cops though, 90% of the force, the rest just do what they are told.


Well-Known Member
im on my way to get a quarter of some orange kush and my guy calls me back says he only has some middies left so im like fuck it. and i turn around. im like 4 or 5 blocks away from my house and this cop passes me in the other lane and instantly pulls a u turn so im like FUCK becus i don't have insurance and shit. so i start driving faster and hes like half a block behind me and i get to the stop sign a block away from my house which was lucky as fuck that it happened at the location. i take off my from the stop sign and i see him stopping. luckly the road is a "s" shaped road uphill so i turn the first bend and petal to the floor doing like 70 on this crazy road and turned on my street booking it as quick as could. turn down the street my house is on. its the corner house so i pulled in the drive way turned the lights off. and booked it in my yard. the cop then flys down the street that my corner house is off of. shit was crazy i could see him looking everywhere since im the corner house. then i saw 2 more coppers come jus patroling i guess. after about 15 mins they left. my guess is they're camping the front because the street only has 1 way out.

I'm still trying to figure out why you ran???? So, you don't have insurance?? Or you didn't have proof of having insurance with you???

Either way, the worst thing that would have happened, if you would have just stopped to begin with... is more than likely a ticket for not having proof of insurance man. I don't understand why you would run... there must be more to the story that your not telling us. Because anyone with a lick of common sense, wouldn't run from the freaking cops just because they don't have insurance.. or proof of insurance. This doesn't add up IMO... the story doesn't add up IMO.

I don't understand why people even try to run from the police to begin with. I mean, seriously.. you really think your going to get away??! NO. You won't get away. The thing is.. is in today's age.. the police have these things called RADIOS.. and they also have helicopters. Your def. not going to outrun the radio.. and you'd have a hell of a time trying to outrun or ditch a police helicopter.

I see morons on COPS all the time.. that run for ignorant reasons. I mean, the only "good" reason I can think of, for someone to try and outrun and get away from the cops.. would be if they just murdered like 10 people or something.. and had nothing else to lose. I could understand that..

but whenever people run just because they don't have insurance.. or proof of insurance.. or whatever the reason might be, it just makes no sense to me.

People tend to not think ahead.. whenever they get caught up in situations like this.

It's a classic scenerio though.. I see it all the fucking time on COPS.

For example, the other night I was watching an episode of COPS. The cop gets behind this guy because he wasn't wearing his seat belt right? He gets behind the driver of the car.. and hits his blue lights to pull the guy over. Whats the idiot do?? He guns the gas.. and takes off. Putting other innocent people in danger.. himself in danger.. and the cop that was chasing him.. in danger as well. He ends up crashing his car (which is what ALWAYS happens) and then tries running on foot.. but can't because he broke his ankle in the crash right?

Well, the cop that was chasing him.. runs up behind the suspect.. tackles him to the concrete (which had to hurt).. then steps on the guys ankle while trying to pull him out of the road, to the side of the road.. so he can run the guys information. Anyhow, the point of this story is.. is that the cop was simply going to pull the guy over and give him a verbal warning for not wearing his seat belt.. wasn't even going to give the guy a ticket!! Just a verbal warning.. but since the moron decided to run like an idiot.. he went from what would have been a 'verbal warning' for not wearing his seat belt... to racking up 3 felonies!!! The first felony charge, was for 'attempting to elude the police'; second felony charge was for a hit & run accident during the chase; and the third felony charge was for giving the police false information.

Classic!!! Absolutely classic.. what a moron. If the police blue light your ass... just do everyone including yourself a favor, and just pull over. More than likely your getting pulled over for a reason.. the last thing you want to do, is make things worse for yourself by trying to run from the cop(s).

I'm just saying.. you might have gotten away this time.. but you can probably bet your ass that the police know who you are, they know where you live.. and they're probably more than likely watching for your car.. their just waiting for you to mess up again. And 99% chance that you won't get lucky enough to 'get away' the next time.

My other point of this story is.. Don't run from the police.. 99% of the time, the people running get caught. If they don't get caught on THAT DAY.. chances are they know who you are.. and will simply put out a warrant for your ass.. and eventually get you. Not a matter of 'if' they catch you.. its a matter of 'when'. You can't outrun the radio.. and you can't outrun the police helicopters.. period.



Well-Known Member
Some of the cop car's have that computer in them that read's your plate,sticker's ..etc and flashes when something is wrong,like no insuranc switch plate's.No hidding from them now..oh it take's a picture to.Best way to stay hidden after an out run is to crush or sell the car to someone you dont like. sorry to bring the bad new's but they will get you.I played that game and it cost me lots of money on lawyer's and fine's.Now my ride has dark windows and is new with everything in place. For the nay sayer's on the tinted window's I have not had a problem.Nice new ride and not all pimped out like your trying to hide something and you will never get stoped.
Exactly what I was just saying.

You might.. "might" get away once.. but the odds are in their (the police) favor. And even if you get away.. chances are the police got your tag number and vehicle description.. and they're just waiting on you to fuck up one more time.

Lastly.. people should stop and think about running before running. The police can make your life a living hell.. yes, they can.. and they will.. and, they can get away with it.

So again, best thing to do.. is just pull over.. and be honest. Honesty goes further than you think it does kids.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I ditched the cops once when I was 16. I lost 'em in a residential area and dipped in to a random driveway. We ducked down and waited. The next thing I know is the cop tapping on the drivers window. Seems I had my foot on the brake!!!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
he got your license plate # lol
So? What is he gonna do? Pull him over because he was considering pulling him over previously but the op drove away instead? Sounds like the cop should have put his lights and sirens on if he wanted to pull the op over.

Fuck the police. He might have an eye out for your car though, and maybe your actual license plate. He can't do anything about it now, but it might bring a spot light on you next time he sees you, so stay clean.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Exactly what I was just saying.

You might.. "might" get away once.. but the odds are in their (the police) favor. And even if you get away.. chances are the police got your tag number and vehicle description.. and they're just waiting on you to fuck up one more time.

Lastly.. people should stop and think about running before running. The police can make your life a living hell.. yes, they can.. and they will.. and, they can get away with it.

So again, best thing to do.. is just pull over.. and be honest. Honesty goes further than you think it does kids.

There is a huge difference between ditching a cop that is actively pursuing you, and one that is sneaking up on you with no lights or siren. What are they gonna say when they spot his vehicle? Pull him over and say "I was going to pull you over a few nights ago but you disapeared!"? I just don't understand what you think they are going to do, besides be dicks in general which they probably already were. As long as he gets insurance and isn't doing anything illegal in his car I don't see how anything will happen.


Well-Known Member
Its the cops fault for losing him, really, if he was in pursuit and lost him there should of been helicopters / backup, he should have had a clear description of your vehicle. I have passed cops in 50 zones doing 110 and when the lights kick on, take it up to 140ish and take the first exit, never fails.

I have been pursuied probably 10+ times. Most of the time, I don't have anything on me (more than a blunt) and I'll eat that shit without a doubt, no chaser. But if they do pull me over, I at least have insurance!

It's a lot of fun when you get pulled over with a qtr of skunky heads in the trunk, and a cop want's to search but you outsmart them! don't give into their trick questions. They absolutely do not have the right to search your vehicle because you charrish your interior and would like to preserve your consitutional rights. the best they can do is get a dog and cross their fingers for a 'signal'. Even then, if its in the trunk and the dog doesn't indicate, they legally cannot search it (unless its a hatch/5-door/minivan/suv, then you are fucked)

I've been pulled over at a DUI checkpoint with my m4 on the passenger seat (I was at a buddies property target shooting) with clips in the glovebox. Had an eighth in my pocket, had cops/dogs/sherriffs searching high and low for contraband, but I shoved it between the seat and the console down low. Fuck you pigs!

They always wanna search but they ain't ever finding shit!

Good for you for getting away, but consider getting insurance asap.


Well-Known Member
Never been arrested, been pulled over with a substantial amount of weed in the car at least 5 times. Usually deny search and tell them I'm in a rush, late for dinner. They always make the mistake of saying "okay. you are free to go but...." here is your window. "if I searched your vehicle, I wouldnt find any drugs or open containers, would I?"

Of coarse not sir, I am not an idiot, but I am extremely late for dinner. You said I am free to go, thank you, have a nice day! peace!

So I can take a look?

Absolutely not. peace.


Well-Known Member
I had a professor in Business Law a few years back tell me that he never even rolls his window down. He just waves to the cop and says mail me the ticket, and leaves...

I had a, and still have a huge problem believing a cop wouldn't demand you exit the vehicle for acting suspicious, but regardless, the ability to say No to a search is your constitutional right! thats all the reason you need to deny a search.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he got a call on the radio and was going somewhere else but just happened to be where you were at?


Active Member
But what was the reason they were chasing you to begin with man? if u have no insurance, that doesnt give them the right to chase you down, and how would they no u had no insurance in the first place?...were u high n got paranoid? lol...
The have the right to chase him if he doesnt have insurance. If he dropped a bottle a juice out his car window that would give them the right to chase him. Its a strange world me live in these days. Depending on what type of cop car it was they have number plate scanners on them. Not hard to pick out car with no insurance mate.

On a side not. Nice one, I bet that got your adrenaline pumping http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CEIQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAdrenaline_Rush&rct=j&q=adrenaline&ei=Exd6Tv3ACc2Z0QXkgt2oAQ&usg=AFQjCNErkJfqPmYcHl2DfGRscRwNfobolQ&cad=rja

was rushing through you


Well-Known Member
AT bout 00:58seconds into jayz starts giving the folks at home a story about copsNgettin pulled over. so true


Well-Known Member
Ha, I always think whenever I hear 99 problems, I picture Jay-z being all cocky about getting pulled over. Grow up man!