fuck the peice of shit police.


Well-Known Member
if you are going to skate in a closed park dont smoke the bud

if you are going to smoke bud don't attract attention to yourself doing it in a closed skate park

what happened to taking a walk to smoke and THEN jumping the fence?


Active Member
man that sucks pretty bad i know what you mean some cops are punks like that one time this cop saw me smoking a t hempfest and took my ish lucky he didnt arest me i totally agree with what your saying fuck da police but still that was kind of a dum move on your part going into a close skatepark and smoking there you should have smoked up the street and stashed ure shit there to since there is always a chance one of the neighbors might call the popo


Active Member
Shit sucks they took your bowl, but c'mon on dude, you were asking for it by skating a closed park. Look at it this way though, Karma is a bitch, those cops will get theirs if its due. :peace:


Well-Known Member
For everyone haing on the police, remember this......

1) The kid was breaking the law, and most importantly

2) The police let them go.

If your going to diss respectable police like these guys, then karma will give you the guys who tazer your ass for not saying sir! I have alot of respect for our police. If you break the law its your fault not theirs.

Major tip here. I try to never carry pot with me off my property. My clean record is too much to risk for pot.


Well-Known Member
damn see thats y you never use a bowl in public or smoke on property that you had to trespass just to get on.

Bowls are for in the house. they aint nothin but trouble.
But you lucky you aint catch a charge and get tore off.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he cut you a deal, and now you are bitching about it? I would take this as a lesson, and not do such stupid shit anymore kid. I thought this was a 18+ forum?


Well-Known Member
Report them. they will get pee pee tested

ok so on labor day me and my friend got a ride to the town below ours to skate this skate park.

it was closed. so we hopped the fence and started skating.

we sat down smoked some bowls and like 10 minutes later the fucking police came.

they let us out and made us sit down.

they found our weed and our pipe and shit took it

note that they took our drugs and put them into the fucking pockets..

i know they fucking took it to smoke.:finger:

but they all had taken my fucking skateboard.
i asked the officer why he replied "it's evidence of the crime":finger:

i called the police department that the officers worked for and asked when i would be able to get my board back. they cunt on the phone said i have to go to court and its up to the judge and or cop if i get it back.:finger:

she said i might never get it back that's some bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

plus they stole my weed:leaf: and smoked it.

Fuck the police!

*if there is a place for this please move it there*