that's funny....LMAO, Thats sick.
I had a girl over 1 night, when I lived in my parents basement.
Well when this girl would cum she got pretty loud, the next morning I walk upstairs to pee and my mom goes oooooh oh oh I'm cumming and burst out laughing with my dad.
boy or girl...??i once touched a boobie.
I always looked at a breakup as new adventure, like getting a new car...15 years is a long time though...well...ok I can add to this...though it does not have the panache of the previous posts....this was just one of those most memorable of fucks that you have ever was my fifteenth wedding anniversary...went out for dinner and dancing at a secluded mountain lodge in the middle of nowhere where the snow stands 35ft deep....and walking back to our cabin....we passed the outdoor hot tub...well the gates were all locked but it was obviously still streaming we jumped the fence....and stripped nekid and jumped in....only to enjoy the most serene and tranquil fuck under the stars at 3AM .... mounds of snows and ice, and the hot natural spring pools caressing our bodies....we jumped out and ran clothes in hand bare nekid butts hanging out in the wind...ran to our cabin and proceeded to continue in front of the fireplace.....all in all truly a memorable moment....though I guess that would have been for me cuz.....that same year she asked for a divorce.....WTF.....guess I wasn't romantic nuf?!
I think it was blood from the hymen bustingROFL @ the period story..Dont worry man it happens to all of us..
A couple of years ago my dad and i had just finished rebuilding a 1971 Cuda, it was purple nurple..(auuugghh) and of course the first thing my Dad does to like celebrate is breaks out a box of condoms and just starts putting them all over the place..under the seats..etc(still finding some today!) and his exact words go as: "Son your 17 years old,You are a fine lookin man, Dont make the same mistake as me.." (so at that point im thinkin, IM A MISTAKE?? but thats a different story..) so those condoms proved there use after all. i was taking a Fine lookin senior chick back to her house,and She tells me to pull over to this Country area in as were getting into it, she says "Do you have a condom?" so i give you the "what do you mean do i have a condom.?" look acting Dank as fuck, i pull one out of the cassette player.. Its cramped as fuck in my car, so we fucked on the hood(pulled out a blanket cause it was a little over heated)
God i love the country..
Here we go.... This one's a wee sick
When I was 16 my girl and I decided to lose our virginity together, and the night we planned my parents were supposed to be out of town (foreshadowing
). She comes over and I made us dinner... after a couple glasses of wine we decided to head to the bedroom. I start by going down on her and after a few minutes I hop up and put it in. Well she could only handle it for a few minutes before she starting crying
. Well we took a minute break and she asked me to go back down on her to get her ready to go again. So being a gentleman i did and after a bit of that i hear the door close shut and my mom calls out to me and I jump up and put my clothes on fast. My girl asked to stay in the room and i went out alone.
My mom immediately asked me who was in my room and i said my girlfriend. She asked me if we were fooling around and of course i said no. So after a minute of interrogation she leads me to the bathroom mirror so i can see my face...
All around my mouth is covered in blood from going back down on her... I thought something tasted different![]()
well if theres something guys can agree on it would have to be this: Let us know about your trashcan gold before we go down in our yellow submerine only to have it come back up red..
Exactly! Ugh period blood woulda been way worseI think it was blood from the hymen busting![]()