Fuck Right Wing Nutjobs!!!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
There, i said it. Right wing extremists are funny, but also scary. There are actually people out there that believe that President Obama is a Muslim who is waging a holy war against America. :shock:

Anyway, you idiots are not only making America the laughing stock of the world, you guys are slowing up the progress of humanity.

I feel like there is part of society trying to make the world a better place, but we are stuck in traffic behind a smelly old pick-up truck on a one lane road, with a Romney bumper sticker on the tailgate, and Rush Limbaugh playing on the radio.
I have many friends and relatives on the right, and i should have made it clear that i am saying "fuck you" ONLY to the dumb nut jobs, and NOT "fuck you" to all the descent hard working Americans who may have different opinions than me.