fuck nukelar energy and oil


Well-Known Member
Something else we need to concider as a species, is people insisting on living in inhospitable areas like the poles and deserts etc, and the extreme cost in natural resources to keep these comunities going.


Well-Known Member
and oil is NOT MADE FROM DEAD DINOSAURS!!!!! fucking ridiculous. it's the planet's natural lubrication for the tectonic plates & we keep suckin it right on out like it's all gonna be ok when it's gone. take the lubricants outta your car & see how far it drives.
Agree it's not dead dinosaurs......but tectonic plate lubricant....OK LOL. If that was the case, I would have a drilling rig every 2 miles along every fault line, along it's entirety.
And so would Cheney and Halliburton.


Well-Known Member
While you are factually correct in regards to dinosaurs, their food source was indeed a source of natural crude oil we find today, plant material, especially diatoms.... To state that oil exists as a natural lubricant for tectonic plates is a bit of a stretch. That theory is not shared by many, including energy companies that scout for oil. The largest deposits are in the deepest oceans... Nearly all oil discovered on this planet to date, comes from rocks formed under water. Sediments of millions of tiny creatures that have died and sunken to the ocean floors. It's were we get rock from. That's why shale has oil in it. Some deposits are found near tectonic plates due the the fact that it is a fissure, allowing for the release of pressure, thereby permitting the flow from below. It is also theorized, that oil could be a hydrocarbon result of our spinning molten core, but that doesn't make it a lubricant for plates that we pray don't slip if we live near them... That idea is crazy.


and oil is NOT MADE FROM DEAD DINOSAURS!!!!! fucking ridiculous. it's the planet's natural lubrication for the tectonic plates & we keep suckin it right on out like it's all gonna be ok when it's gone. take the lubricants outta your car & see how far it drives.


Well-Known Member
While you are factually correct in regards to dinosaurs, their food source was indeed a source of natural crude oil we find today, plant material, especially diatoms.... To state that oil exists as a natural lubricant for tectonic plates is a bit of a stretch. That theory is not shared by many, including energy companies that scout for oil. The largest deposits are in the deepest oceans... Nearly all oil discovered on this planet to date, comes from rocks formed under water. Sediments of millions of tiny creatures that have died and sunken to the ocean floors. It's were we get rock from. That's why shale has oil in it. Some deposits are found near tectonic plates due the the fact that it is a fissure, allowing for the release of pressure, thereby permitting the flow from below. It is also theorized, that oil could be a hydrocarbon result of our spinning molten core, but that doesn't make it a lubricant for plates that we pray don't slip if we live near them... That idea is crazy.


Thank you Serapis......you saved me a lot of typing...lol. It is funny the stuff you hear about big oil from from people that dont eat, breathe and sleep it.


Well-Known Member
Hell, the motion of the ocean is enough to power the planet with the right technology. NASA has powered spacecraft with batteries and solar power for decades now and we are just now seeing electric cars...
the only way this will change is when the average person starts making their own bio-fuels and power. The current government of by big business for big business will not change until we are all in poverty. we are currently installing a wood gasifier and 30kw generator and will go off grid by fall. Bio-diesel from algae is a very feasible way to mass produce the fuel we need, but of course their is no way that the oil companies or the government want this on the market, that brings it back to the individual. If you make enough bio fuel for you and family, there are no cumbersome regulations and no fuel taxes to deal with.


New Member
the only way this will change is when the average person starts making their own bio-fuels and power. The current government of by big business for big business will not change until we are all in poverty. we are currently installing a wood gasifier and 30kw generator and will go off grid by fall. Bio-diesel from algae is a very feasible way to mass produce the fuel we need, but of course their is no way that the oil companies or the government want this on the market, that brings it back to the individual. If you make enough bio fuel for you and family, there are no cumbersome regulations and no fuel taxes to deal with.
Solid first post.


Well-Known Member
My GED teacher told me I got some writing talent.How can I get paid for writing a book or something?
get a piece of paper or a computer & write some shit & send it to somebody. It's obviously no big deal. I'm sure you'll get printed. any dumbfuck can apparently. :)


Well-Known Member
I agree that crude is a result of the molten core's churning. not dead dinosaurs. But look at it like this; we are seeing unprecedented plate instability. In what other way have humans drastically altered the earths sub-layers that we never have before? I can't think of anything other than underground nuclear testing and the pumping out of trillions of gallons of lubricant. only one of those really continues unabated & I think we're seeing the results of this with all the earthquakes & shit happening now.


Well-Known Member
the only way this will change is when the average person starts making their own bio-fuels and power. The current government of by big business for big business will not change until we are all in poverty. we are currently installing a wood gasifier and 30kw generator and will go off grid by fall. Bio-diesel from algae is a very feasible way to mass produce the fuel we need, but of course their is no way that the oil companies or the government want this on the market, that brings it back to the individual. If you make enough bio fuel for you and family, there are no cumbersome regulations and no fuel taxes to deal with.

There are many small ways to make contributions, here I'm working on the fututre of lighting, this puppy is good for over 1000lumens off just 11W, and its not the crappy coloured flickering shit you get from CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Hell, the motion of the ocean is enough to power the planet with the right technology. NASA has powered spacecraft with batteries and solar power for decades now and we are just now seeing electric cars...
That may well be true Serapis but we then have to ask ourselves why do our Governments keep technology from the mainstream? And says a countries defense is a ruse, why wexactly does this happen. And in fact where is the technology coming from? These are interesting questions!


Well-Known Member
That may well be true Serapis but we then have to ask ourselves why do our Governments keep technology from the mainstream? And says a countries defense is a ruse, why wexactly does this happen. And in fact where is the technology coming from? These are interesting questions!
It all comes from area 51 sheese everyone knows that!


Well-Known Member
Are the plates causing these new massive hurricanes too? What about global warming? Could that have something to do with it? Why haven't we had a major earthquake in the gulf recently? Alaska? I hear about em in Pakistan, India, asia, but the oil seems to be on the other side of the world.... strange isn't it?

I agree that crude is a result of the molten core's churning. not dead dinosaurs. But look at it like this; we are seeing unprecedented plate instability. In what other way have humans drastically altered the earths sub-layers that we never have before? I can't think of anything other than underground nuclear testing and the pumping out of trillions of gallons of lubricant. only one of those really continues unabated & I think we're seeing the results of this with all the earthquakes & shit happening now.