Fuck. My head got busted=[

ohh noo just the two times. i was always a climber as a kid and the second time was a basketball injury. the nose piece of my glasses cut my eyelid a lil. id say active, not clumsy
Oh my bad lol you just made it sound like you've been through getting stitches many times before=]
Ouch, I hope my glasses never break like that, mine are pretty thick it would probably cut my damn eye out lol.
damn girl talk about a head wound lol. u okay? u dont seem too worried just checkin up:) thats funny denofearth69 said chicks dig scars ha ha didnt know u swung that way sam lol
that would fuckin suck. damn that reminds of some movie but cant think of it, dudes eye pops out and gets stepped on or something. but yea that would bum me out. but then that would give good reason to wear an eye patch. ARRRRR
AHHHH fuckin remembered the film while smoke a marlboro
but no just a football flick. and shit i need to watch this again cause it has some major illuminati shit in it
Just use some super glue.. It really does work.. once i was working out and dropped the bar and a 150 pounds fell straight on my face right in between my upper lip and nose.. Just barely missed my teeth.. Anyways that thing spewed blood forever so my dad called his best friend who owns an ihc facility and he just said to super glue it.. We did and it looks fine.. Can barely barely see the scar...

That was actually one of it's first uses, to seal wounds, or so i was told on my First Aid course. Another useless bit of info, cling film/shrink wrap was (supposedly) actually invented as a dressing for burns. Sorry if you knew this already, just i was told this stuff over a month ago and have yet to tell anyone making me look like a smart arse lol

@OP; ouch lol, on the plus side you now get to experiment with fringes haha