fuck jersey shore


Staff member
i love jshore, its like a car accident at first i hated it then i started watching it high or drunk whatever, i find is HILARIOUS however they do give a bad name to us italians


Active Member
i'm completely serious.

when you generalize how a specific race of people should be behaving and how this is not the typical behavior of said race, then it is racist.
ok, i can see where you are comming from with that. I am an italian and in italy, i am not generalizing my race. i dont believe ANYONE should behave in the way that they do and then get rewarded ontop of it. feel free to close the thread if you like, i have made my point.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm completely serious.

when you generalize how a specific race of people should be behaving and how this is not the typical behavior of said race, then it is racist.

snookie, ronnie, and j-wow are NOT italian. the show is a fraud. hating those people doesn't make me racist it makes me a good american.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm Italian. This show does not represent me. In anyway. It represents douche bags from New Jersey. If you made it Irish, Black, Asian, French..it wouldn't matter...if they come from Jersey they are going to act like trash. Regardless of ethnicity.


Well-Known Member
i'm not the one who brought up race. ;)

when you start grouping people based on their race, it's racist.

this thread is full of racism.


Active Member
If the cast of Jersey Shore was a race I would embrace their genocide.
Do you realise they are Italian?

lol i hope you are just baked...
Reall? You did?
Everyone is from some ethnic backround. from what i understand the cast of Jersey Shore are Italian. i never said anything about generalizing about Italians or that the cast of jersey shore represent how italians act.

I understand what keller420 is saying, i simply pointed out what could be miss interpreted about his statement.

anyway toke time:lol:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it just pisses me off those assholes on the show are all millionaires..

they come to my town and host parties at clubs, and people actually go!!

[video=youtube;n1Ykyz4lPq0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1Ykyz4lPq0[/video]i wanna shake this guys hand..

and the funny thing is her pussy dude roommates didnt do shit!! those guys are fucking tools!


Well-Known Member
But how do you know they are ALL italian? They could be greek...or polish.
they're not all italian...i only think one of them has a lil italian in them..they're just your average jersey douche...if i was from jersey i would be pissed at these fools for making my town look like a bunch of dickheads...
